Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2019-08-21 23:47:57 UTC
in Player Movement Style like HL1 Post #343064
thank you so much, well i will try
Posted 4 years ago2019-08-21 14:56:54 UTC
in Player Movement Style like HL1 Post #343061
Hello Admer456, thank you so much for your time and your answer

So yes I'm using a .sln (solution) with a visual studio 2013, for a multiplayer mod

I got a lot of error, for example, I took some codes from this :

void PM_WalkMove ()
int clip;
int oldonground;
int i;

vec3_t wishvel;
float spd;
float fmove, smove;
vec3_t wishdir;
float wishspeed;

vec3_t dest, start;
vec3_t original, originalvel;
vec3_t down, downvel;
float downdist, updist;

pmtrace_t trace;

// Copy movement amounts
fmove = pmove->cmd.forwardmove;
smove = pmove->cmd.sidemove;


void CGameMovement::WalkMove( void )
int i;

Vector wishvel;
float spd;
float fmove, smove;
Vector wishdir;
float wishspeed;

Vector dest;
trace_t pm;
Vector forward, right, up;

AngleVectors (mv->m_vecViewAngles, &forward, &right, &up); // Determine movement angles

CHandle< CBaseEntity > oldground;
oldground = player->GetGroundEntity();

// Copy movement amounts
fmove = mv->m_flForwardMove;
smove = mv->m_flSideMove;

i would like to know what I should change in my gamemovement.cpp from pm_shared.cpp to have the result i want.

you should know about kreedz Climbing mod (a mod using cs 1.6 model and movement in source) I want to make something similar but with half-life 1 instead

thank you in advance
Posted 4 years ago2019-08-21 12:02:47 UTC
in Player Movement Style like HL1 Post #343058
Hello guys and thanks for having the time to read my post.

I'm new here and also new in game modding, I've learned a lot of things here and elsewhere to how to make a mod with source SDK base.

I want now to make a movement, jumping, strafring, air accel, speed style in Hl2(SDK 2013) Mod exactly the same way of Half-life 1 (goldsrc)

I've tried a lot of experiences like modifying some .CPP files gamemovement.cpp and others, but I failed with some errors in my visual studio 2013

because I don't have knowledge of how to use it xD, just try to change some same code values.

I also tried to explore some .dlls but i don't have the permission or it's impossible to explore the dlls in bin file ( client.dll server.dll)

can you please help to make this idea or show me what code I need to edit for the character movement.

Thank you in advance