I'm working on a HL1 creepypasta mod called "Real Suffering", it is a creepypasta mod based off of mainly suicidemouse.avi and it's recreations, along with references to other obscure media that include Mickey Mouse in it.
You play as Mortimer Mouse, a veteran with PTSD who lost his wife (Minerva) after a bad breakup. He is going through a psychotic phase as he walks down a linear city, seeking to shoot any "visions" of his psychosis. It's inspired by other dark mods such as Afraid of Monsters and They Hunger.
Here are some screenshots of some of the content you will see in the mod:
This references March of the Wooden Soldiers, AKA Babes in Toyland Mortimer Zombie Vietnam Mortimer Grunt (This references a piece of lost media called "Short Subject or "Mickey Mouse in Vietnam") Mortimer, wounded in the war Now in regards to coding... This project uses OP4's dll, and I need help with editing that so that we could have things such as:
- Hostile barney NPCs
- Boss fights
- DMC/Quake-stylized ammo system
- Red HUD color
- Scientist NPCs that cower away from you
- The list goes on.
I hope that provides as much info as you need. If not, tell me.