Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 10:14:27 UTC
in Small Cylinders- HELP!!! Post #27835
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 09:43:27 UTC
in Small Cylinders- HELP!!! Post #27829
Could you define 'the rest' for me? If you mean that I can apply a texture with a circle on and make the rest of the face transparent, then could you tell me how please?

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 06:12:41 UTC
in Worst joke ever Post #27772
A man walks into a bar-


a seal walks into a club-

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 05:59:55 UTC
in Small Cylinders- HELP!!! Post #27770
Thanks for the file, had a read.

It says that the problem is caused by vertex manipulation, but the cylinder's vertices are Hammer generated- I haven't touched them. Does this mean it just can't cope with cylinders that small? If so, can I make a square 'look like' a circle? Or do I have to mess about with the vertices manually until the error stops?

Sorry if this is a stupid question.


Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 04:22:35 UTC
in Small Cylinders- HELP!!! Post #27764
Here's hoping you guys can help, I'm a bit new at mapping. I have tried searching the forums for an answer to this, so far to no avail, so apologies if this problem has been solved before, but-

I keep getting a 'side with no normal' and 'entity X has a coplanar plane' error when i try to compile my map. By process of elimination, I have found this due to creating a really small cylinder (about 3x3x2). What the hell does this mean?/How can I fix it? I need the thing to be that small (it's supposed to be a skateboard wheel), and have tried creating a cylinder with fewer sides, but that leaves me with a cube. REALLY ANNOYING me now.

Can anyone help?
