OMG NO! Created 19 years ago2005-05-13 17:15:42 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Created 19 years ago2005-05-13 17:15:42 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-13 17:15:42 UTC Post #109250
It seems that Steam has started to bog down my system even with nothing else running.

I noticed it AFTER the HL2 game update.

Need some advice from the computer savvy out there.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-13 17:17:33 UTC Post #109251
steam and its aplications never properly close. ctrl-alt-del and close whatever app you were running and steam. that should fix the problem.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-13 17:47:15 UTC Post #109255
Well the problem is I am trying to build a CS:S map and it's sluggish.

I noticed it doesn't do it when I have the HL2 hammer config running - the CS:S does - could it be the 2 loaded fgd's are conflicting?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-13 18:04:43 UTC Post #109264
I had the same thing but it stopped after 5 mins!
use all new props and try again!
I think it just needs to open / load props that are new!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
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