Both of them suck. You want a Pentium-M 760. Now I bet all of the noobs here are gonna say "but mobile procesorz sux omfg n intel suk coz dey dun hav 64 bitz omgomgomg". Pentium-M is a better gaming chip than the FX-57 in all benchmarks. In fact, it wins in everything except from MySQL benchmarks. Floating point, integer, and arithmatic functions are more accurate and have less execution time, Pentium-M also has a fuck load of cache for larger threads. You can only use this CPU on a desktop platform with the old Asus P4C800-E + an dapter right now, which doesn't give you PCI-E, I bet you noobs are all saying "but omgomgzor u ned pcie coz agp sux n it is 2 slo for 2dayz gfx", but in fact that is a pile o' BS. We've tested the difference between a PCI-E GeForce 6800 Ultra and an ATi X850 XTPE, then the AGP version in 8x and 4x. There was on performance difference between AGP 8x and PCI-E 16x, and a 2% difference between AGP 4x and 8x. So, in that case, even recent-ish cards only just saturate AGP 4x.