Ghosts Created 18 years ago2005-11-17 10:51:13 UTC by Tosse Tosse

Created 18 years ago2005-11-17 10:51:13 UTC by Tosse Tosse

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 10:51:13 UTC Post #147579
Yes ghosts!

This last time i got very interested in ghosts photos and videos.
Look at them over and over again untill i find that little detail the maker forgot. In other words, find out what makes them obvius fake photos and videos. and do i belive in them? (ghosts that is)
Im not sure accualy, some really wierd things have happened in this house, and it not just me that noticed it, i have a bunsh of logical explinations but they seem so far fetched.

Do you belive in them?

This little video i find very interesting:

It is edited so the possability of it being a fake is huge, but it looks so real. btw, does anyone know what he?s saying?
And does anybody know a bit more about it?

And some of the photos at this site scare?s me as well

If you read what they are saying about the pictures you can tell that they are very proffesional when it comes to taking pictures.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 11:02:38 UTC Post #147588
That is SO fake.. :lol:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 11:04:11 UTC Post #147589
Yeah it probably is! :D The bad quality of the video and the sounds they put in...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 11:14:44 UTC Post #147592
IT R FAKEZ0R :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 11:17:56 UTC Post #147593
I made a thread about ghosts like a year ago and I can tell you now that TWHL is very skeptical :P

I believe in ghosts though, had my own share of strange experiences
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:16:00 UTC Post #147639
You did? I don't remember that.

I don't believe in ghosts.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:21:11 UTC Post #147645
Search my simian friend, search. ;)
It could be more than a year ago though
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:22:15 UTC Post #147646 <-- This made me go nuts.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:23:02 UTC Post #147648
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:23:28 UTC Post #147649
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:24:58 UTC Post #147651
I believe in ghosts...but I've never seen one, so I'm not sure if they actually exist. But I watch Ghost Hunters all the time.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:32:31 UTC Post #147655
Well, I belive there are things out there,, I'm not sure it's ghosts.
I remember my father told me about the table who asnwered your questions.
It had 3 legs.
one counter leg, and one leg for yes, and an other for no.
And it was made in wood.
If you asked it a question, it would stomp with one of the legs.
It's true!
And they looked all the way around it, over it, under it, nothing controled it..
What the h..?

And of course, other unexplainable things has happened to me and it's all just weird.

Btw, the "alien rods" at urban legends, they do exist, millions of cameras has catched them, no one knows what it is, but I'm sure it isn't alien rods. :P
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:33:56 UTC Post #147656
-Thump-Thump-Thump (i don't care if it's fake but that freaked the hell out of me.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:37:31 UTC Post #147658
madcow: That urban legends thing is interesting, but some of that stuff seemed fake to me. Although I recognize some of the EVP from some show about ghosts I watched. The "I'd love to find me stone" one was taken by a group investigating a cemetary at night, which, as far as I'm concerned, is illegal.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:42:55 UTC Post #147659
That looked so fake! :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:44:40 UTC Post #147660
Argh muzzle! That film gives me nightmares beyond anything else, usually I laugh at films that are scary but 'The Grudge' is AH!

Now I tried you game and as soon as I heard the famous urrrrggghhh sorta frog noise I closed it! TOO God damn scary!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:56:09 UTC Post #147663
Well, I would love to try decreasing the recording frequence some time (still wonder what machine you're supposed to use though)
and then look for voices.
I mean, if you would find something it would be kinda kreepy. :|

About the urban legends, I belive some of those things there are true, but still, I belive there are more false than true stories over there.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 16:06:15 UTC Post #147665
As far as I'm concerned, people hunting for EVP use one of those handheld recorders, then plug it into a computer and use something like Sound Forge to edit it. Also, whether or not you find something, I believe, depends on how hopeful and encouraged you are. Because the more interested you are, the more you're bound to think you've found EVP where there isn't any.

Heh...I remember when I was obsessed about ghosts...must've been in 10th grade. A couple young friends and I went on a "ghost hunt," but of course we found nothing. During that time I was carrying my big radio with me to look for EVP. Lot of good that did.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 05:21:25 UTC Post #147761
EVP is quite cool, never tried it, probably never will, cuz im pretty sure i wouldn?t find anything, and im not a "ghost hunter" person either, i just find it iteresting looking for pictures and researching urban legends.

I didn?t like the grudge, but i liked Ju On, The original japanese versions of the grudge...

But ghost in general, my rooms are creepy and stuff tend to happend, so one day i might look more into what camera and film to use to catch a ghost on photo and next time stuff happend i will go nuts with the camera and see if anything show up :sarcastic:

EDIT: I have some storys to tell you, but i?ll post them when i get home, im at school and don?t have the time
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 19:53:45 UTC Post #147894
Stories yay! One time I was over my grandmother's house, who lives across the street. But I came over to get something(I was alone) and when I was about to leave the door, I heard a big bang, then it sounded like someone was walking down the hallway. Ghost? No, just the water pipes, I knew that at the time, they creek and stuff, but it still gave me the willies.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 21:30:18 UTC Post #147911
Yeah stuff like that tend to happened :D

Well, im going to make this short, skip details that would give you the feeling of the night this happened.

Things you have to know first:
It?s an old house on the countryside, not "ghost house" old, just old.
Iv? got two rooms, one big and one small, they are connected with a door. the floor in my room sqeek, i lived here for quite some time so if im in one of the rooms and some one is in the other i can tell where they are by the diffeent sqeeks. I keep my bed in the small room and everything else in the big one.

I closed the door to my big room, as always, turn of the lights and go to my small room and close that door and go to bed. I did that as usual. around 02:00 AM i belive it was, but the point is, i was the only one awake in the whole house, i cheched before i went to bed. So there i lie in my bed and tryes to fall asleep. then someone opens the door to my big room (from the hallway that is) turn the light on and starts to walk around "sqeek sqeek" and then i hear the familiar sound of someone looking for a specifik cd in a hurry, and then goes through my other stuff i have on the desk. "wtf? im trying to sleep, damn you" i thought but didn?t bother to ask who ever it was to leave, im trying to sleep. then the noice turns to silence for a second "sqeek sqeek" someone is walking towards the door to my small room. and then silence yet again, did he/she find what she was looking for? I got up, i was on my way to ask them to get the fuck out of my room i want to sleep. I open the door, no one there, the lights are OFF and the door is CLOSED. If they had walk out i would have heard it. no ther sounds could be heard (no one awake to make some noice) and i would have heard the door, and the switch to the lights. belive me, i can even hear the light switches in other rooms at night.

No more sleep that night!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 00:42:42 UTC Post #147928
Nice story Toe-tasty :)

My turn;
Before i mived to the house where i live now, we lived in an apartment in a house that's connected to a church (strange i know). Lots of strange things happened there and i was the only one to witness it. I remember a few very vividly

#1. One day I was sitting in my room playing Timesplitters on my ps2. the tv was facing the door so i had my back against it. My mom comes in with the phone (my g/f at the time had called me). I speak for nearly an hour with her and then i get up to put the phone back where it belongs. I then notice that the door to my room is locked, but from the side i'm on. I was the only one in the room at the time.

#2. I was home alone, planning to skip school. I was in the kitchen and i felt like getting som milk. so i put my keys on the table (I am certain I did!) and turn around to open the fridge. when i turn around again the keys are gone. I found them later that day on the same place i had put them. ( I had looked there many times).

3# I'm home alone (yet anew) one night and i'm sitting by the comp mapping. suddenly i get this feeling that i'm being watched by someone. like someone's standing right behind me looking over my shoulder. i turn around and the curtain (about 1? meters away) starts to sway like someone was standing there and quickly ran away, causing the curtain to sway. that curtain reached from the ceiling to the floor and it would require quite a big gust of wind to make it move in that manner.

other things include hearing voices in my mother's room when no one but me was home and hearing my keys being dragged along the walls. you know that scraping sound.
My cat also went mad sometimes and would stare at the walls and follow unseen things.

my mom never believed me of course :roll:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 01:17:25 UTC Post #147932
Creepy sarsboy, it would have freaked me out!

But in the house i live, it?s only in my rooms and the hallway that these things happened. and i am not the only one to notice this. If it is a ghost here, it?s a woman, probably friendly.

3 persons have seen a bright light move pretty fast in the hallway heading for my room. I don?t like that. And they didn?t make it up, they don?t know each other and first i was like "yeah sure, wierdoooo" and then a few month later someone else describes the exact same event, and then another one does it.

once when i entered my wardrobe (it?s a kind of big wardrobe, built into the wall, you can sleep in it,2 people at the same time) i heard a womans voice say "hello" (in swedish that is) and it didn?t sound like someone said hello, it was a human voice, loud and clear, like she had her mouth against my ear and said it.

another thing is that sometimes when i try to sleep, it sounds like nails gently scratching my element. but that could just be something inside the element, old pipes, a bit of rust could have fallen of the inside.

but this is what freaks me out the most, and i know what i saw!! I was hugging my girlfriend, and i really like her so i close my eyes and just feel her close to me, for a second i open my eyes, and what do i see?
I froze, couldn?t move. a woman, almost tansparent.. a pale woman is walking across my room and disapears. I olny see her for a few seconds, but that was enough. it was to much.

But you guys are probably not going to belive this, but what the hell, i wouldn?t either if i wouldn?t have seen this. But still, i know what i saw
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 10:23:44 UTC Post #147983
heh, sounds like some wird experiences there, Tosse and Saribous :)

I remember one time, when i was barely 5 years old? Somehwere round there, my family were visiting this old castle. As the rest of my family went into the buildings i wondered off into a forest that surrounded the castle. As i wondered inwards, away from the crowd. I started a hear a few wierd noises. First dogs, and then voices which were deep in conversation. Or something like that. As i wondered deeper into the trees i thought i saw something, or somebody. As i went round the base of a huge tree to see who it was. Instead i found this ghostly figure being hanged from the tree. I screamed and ran off, that was the last of saw of that ghost. Later my Dad found me. And now because of that stupid ghost i can't get to sleep sometimes thinking that he is just outside my window. Hanging silently, though clossing the curtains usually solves that ;)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 11:18:12 UTC Post #147992
I hate trees with hanged people :o They look so scary :confused:

Haha when i go to bed, i sometimes think so much about this strange things in my room and when i do that i have to open my eyes all the time to make sure that no one is there >_< But the wierd thin is that i probably would be a lot more cared if i really saw a person there XD
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