Odd Behaviour Created 18 years ago2005-12-30 14:58:00 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Created 18 years ago2005-12-30 14:58:00 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 14:58:00 UTC Post #155317
There had been a spammer 2-3 days ago(was it 2).I really dont know what he did to the site. "he?" Look,its all about this: I always check the sites like hit,moddb,twhl that I put info about Xen Assault to see if anyone made any comments.But I check the sites from our school library PC at lunch brake...When the bell rang,I hurried to our sports lesson (gym)...leaving the PC on[but I though I turned it off],with internet explorer pages open...and my idiotic,sob friend didnt tell me that I left it like that.So...well,that bastard spammed TWHL and pmed a modeller about masturbation in Mod DB.I was astonished in other day when he told me that I was banned from TWHL.I didnt believe it until I saw it myself.I asked " How the hell you know that I was banned??"He said,he spammed the site about a chicken-man(I saw the topic today).After yelling to him and beating him up a little.The other day,I e-mailed 7th about the situation.Well,he un-banned the school library PC..I'm writing this from my cousins leptop(laptop or whatever it is)In conclusion ,I'm really sorry..I will delete the urls of the pages that I get in from now on.
*"Why School PC,while you got your own PC at home?".Some of you know that I dont have internet at home like 1.5 - 2 months.But I'm getting my int back in 2006 January.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 15:00:41 UTC Post #155318
Heh unfortunate but at least it wasn't you...
I think anger should be left out of this thread aka "piss off we hate you..."

Righto well welcome back and um I think you will love the Hostage Situation thread...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 15:02:09 UTC Post #155319
Well I don't really believe you, but you seem to have changed for the better so all's kool with me I guess. :o
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 16:17:17 UTC Post #155323
Well I don't really believe you, but you seem to have changed for the better so all's kool with me I guess
great...just great

I'll be banned for using a public PC and letting someone else using it.Actually yea,thinking of the consquences.I can just spam my friend's forum site that he often go in.And they will think that its him doing the spam because its the same fucking IP!,he uses the library PC too!Did you understand what I meant here?You guys just judge people from their IPs,what if that guy uses public PCs?what if the guy just dont have the cash to get his own internet!!And another guy just uses the same PC and messes with the sites people entered,maybe its ammusing for that sicko?!Did you understand what I just meant?! :x
Probably you wont believe that this could happen too?!Anyguy can find the site again from the school library again and spam it again ,and you guys will think that its me again?You know what I dont care,ok 7th after re-thinking plz block the school library PC's IP!(the one you blocked 2 days ago,block it!)Now everyone is happy!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 16:44:25 UTC Post #155326
People are not judging you from your IP misjudgement but from the way you acted before all this...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 17:00:03 UTC Post #155327
See, now I take back what I said entirely, you are just an over-reacting, emo child.

"Omg! Everyone on the internet hates me! It is Simple Plan and Me against the world! I must make my hair fall infront of my eyes dramatically then take photo's and post them on myspace then cry when someone makes fun of me...'

Sigh, go jump off a cliff.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 17:05:32 UTC Post #155328
I don't want to seem like the asshole of this thread but I can see it now, Saco replies to your reply and moans and swears and gets banned so lets just leave this as it is and acknowledge he made a mistake and he has been sorted now by Seventh.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 17:07:01 UTC Post #155329
Saco replies to your reply and moans and swears and gets banned
Yeh..which surely just proves my point.
But ohwell.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 17:17:45 UTC Post #155330
To be fair regarding this incident, something very similar happened to me back in secondary school (a couple of years ago).

Anyway, the explanation's here now, there's nothing else to discuss on the matter. Complain about previous events all you wish, but here is not the place.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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