starting a new map Created 18 years ago2006-02-21 00:00:18 UTC by halo4life halo4life

Created 18 years ago2006-02-21 00:00:18 UTC by halo4life halo4life

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 00:00:18 UTC Post #164196
I know, I still need to update the others, but thats gonna be hard because hammer wont compile them right : But I'll try eventually!

well, back on topic. I'm starting a map and so far at the begining you see a big building with a sign that says Black Mesa. Then misilles come flying from everywhere and a helicopter (who the player thinks is launching the missiles) falls on top of it and the building blows. Theres scenery and things. The building isn't supposed to be all of Mesa, it's way to small. Any suggestions? :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 00:13:07 UTC Post #164197
What are you going for? What's the story supposed to be? It sounds like you have a some ideas, just not alot to do with them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 01:06:16 UTC Post #164199
/me wants to see an entity set-up and quick level change.
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