Problem running my map Created 18 years ago2006-02-23 20:22:59 UTC by Bobthereaper Bobthereaper

Created 18 years ago2006-02-23 20:22:59 UTC by Bobthereaper Bobthereaper

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 20:22:59 UTC Post #164721
6 portalclusters
7 numportals
BasePortalVis: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
PortalFlow: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)

Someone can tell me why when I run my map and it load there everything screw up? Just before the "10" it lags and nothing else download and it's so freaking long to load. Is it normal? Or i did something wrong?
( there more then 6 portalclusers and 7 numportals there like 3765 each, near of that. )

Be sure there i found no tutorial for that because it's a problem and not something i don't know. Yes it's something I don't know but not in the same way. :nervous: :nuts:

( Please if something is wrong I'll accept if you correct it. :) )
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 20:36:11 UTC Post #164725
I have no idea what "portal clusters" and "numportals" are, but if your Vis is taking a long time, your map most likely has one or more of these elements:

-Huge skyboxed map
-Massive over-detailing
-Deplorable brushwork

edit: Yikes, didn't notice this was Source! Not sure if this applies now :
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 20:41:35 UTC Post #164726
Idk but i have the three you shoed me unless brush i dont reall know what does that mean... but my map is full of deatails and there no so really a high skybox. But why is it screwing? I can'tr just put it in a css maps and create a server and put my map on the server?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 12:51:21 UTC Post #164824
Hm ok so your map is detailed...Show us a pic in hammer.
I am curious to see if your skybox just overlaps the whole map.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 13:16:38 UTC Post #164827
The problem: too many portal leafs.
The solution: turn as many brushes into func_detail as possible. (except the ones that are really blocking visibility and sealing the void)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-25 16:16:03 UTC Post #165011
For now i cant really go on hammer, but I'll try the thing detail, because i remember i did something that everything is func_button. A littl problem i'll check that :) .

Habboi how i do a picture? ( That is on this forum, there no tutorial for that... : ) :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-01 23:23:57 UTC Post #165881
@Kasperg: I just ran into a similar problem in HL1--my VIS was crashing at the same point that Bobthereaper's was...

I "func_walled" some weird vm'd brushes on my map, and Voil?--works like a champ now!

Thanks Kasperg :)

edit: Does any of the -chart data reflect leaf portals, so you can know how close to the limit you are? I have plenty of resources for everything that [i]-chart[i/] tracks. The closest thing to running out is clipnodes:

clipnodes 21125/32767

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-02 08:46:46 UTC Post #165930
For me your thing is too complicated... There some 00100111010101 :
But I know it's when you run your map

I think it's just because It's realy fuking long to load. While I'll be school im gonna load a map i created and if it works, woohooo!... Not enough enthousiams... :zonked:

[ Did someone knew that to create your own texture there an easier way than downloading a whole program to put it on WAD? Take any texture you want to put on your map, and import it into a graf in CCS. On the textures file write the name f your texture and pouf you're going to find it, but I think it works only in Counter-Strike. For me it's good I create only counter maps ;) :glad: ]
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