I have 2 materials. Both custom. One is called cliff, the other grassy. Cliff is normal mapped with a specular reflection. grassy just a generic material. I have both these materials set to be blended. Here is the blend .vmt information:
"$basetexture" "mikematerials/cliff"
"$basetexture2" "mikematerials/grassy"
"$bumpmap" "mikematerials/cliff_normal"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmapcontrast" "1"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" "1"
My problem is that the specular reflection and normal map is transitioning to the grass material when blended. I want the rocks to be normal mapped and reflected, and the grass to be normal in the blend.
My blend material was working fine. The normal map and reflection stayed with the rocks. For some reason, it just decided not to work properly for no reason. It was working after the SDK update, so its not that.
Removing the lines after the "basetexture2" makes no difference. If I remove them the cliff material will not be normal mapped.
Is there a line in the .vmt file to isolate the cliff material for the surface properties? I know this works because:
1: It was working before this.
2:Lost coast does this with the wet rocks in the beginning.
This is kind of an advanced texture question so its alright if it cant be answered, but I really need some help on this.
Also, you cant GCF scape materials from lost coast. Their folder is not there like Episode 1. They have not released the material for use yet by the outside. So, I cant see their blend vmt file to reference it to my own