new JACKASS mod need more people Created 18 years ago2006-07-20 21:23:48 UTC by emblyn emblyn

Created 18 years ago2006-07-20 21:23:48 UTC by emblyn emblyn

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 21:23:48 UTC Post #191054
hi,me and my friend are starting a new mod,rotatorsplint,called really aprreciate it if you could help us.message me on steam at elliott767 or xfire fna12 if you would like to join the unreal editing team,thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 21:25:33 UTC Post #191055
you'll need to post more information if you want help
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 21:28:24 UTC Post #191056
ok...well this game is basically about the main Jackass theme.were going to have custom skins for all the main characters,preston,knoxville,steve-O,bam,ETC. were going to have great maps good for making jackass stunts ane etc.its gonna be slightly like garrys mod,how you can open a menu and spawn stuff,other than that its way different.were going to have different props/vehicles,etc etc.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 22:18:38 UTC Post #191061
I don't know about having all those well known people in there... Would there be any legal difficulties with that?

By the way, you said it was for Unreal? Why are you asking for help on a HL mapping site if it's for Unreal?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 22:42:38 UTC Post #191064
its the UNREAL TEAM! (ok, his team is called unreal). but yes, you may have problems with that stupid mtv.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 23:11:08 UTC Post #191066
Good luck but I hope you realize the amount of coding, work, and imagination it takes to create a decent mod...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 23:38:39 UTC Post #191069
yeah,i want comments if you want to join the team.i already called mtv and asked XD i wont break the law
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 23:53:53 UTC Post #191070
Got a website?

You really need to give us a heap more information than this.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 23:58:56 UTC Post #191071
im in develop of making one.amost done.add me to buddies on steam elliott767 or fna12 on xfire and ill explain everything
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-21 07:06:07 UTC Post #191097
Seems like something inspired you but from reading this conversation I feel a sense of rush. If you are really dedicated to making this then instead of making us chase after you...Write all the details here in one big post.

And read these:
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-21 08:22:23 UTC Post #191104
Its Saco. :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-21 10:57:57 UTC Post #191118
Erm... :nuke:
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-21 16:37:26 UTC Post #191187
that seriously sounds terrible

go outside and hurt yourself
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-21 16:40:32 UTC Post #191188
Erm... :nuke:
Looks at the way he writes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-21 17:06:33 UTC Post #191191
Looks but anyone can type like that...

look im saco i talk in crappy speak. Point proven?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 18:24:05 UTC Post #193671
hey,its emblyn.i just made a different account.well i really need some help,please message me and i will give you ALL the information on this.i also need a concept artist.and how much do scripters cost?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 19:05:27 UTC Post #193673
I honestly think its not a good idea. Your mod idea seems spur of the moment, and you really need to think of the tremendous time and effort a mod takes. What will make this mod unique? What kind of work is needed for its completion?

Are you just a random person, or do you have advanced experience with mapping/modeling/skining/texturing/animating/sound creation and placement/coding? At least a good understanding of the work that goes into these areas.

Here is a good forum post about a mod. Its descriptive, and shows it actually has a chance at creation:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 19:07:49 UTC Post #193674
how much do scripters cost?
COST?!?! You don't buy them, silly! :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 19:42:54 UTC Post #193677
look...i know how much it trying to get more people in the mod.i know what to do,trust me.i just think itll take to long to post ALL the info on this.if you want to help me,message me :
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 19:48:43 UTC Post #193678
But that's the thing! If you're not even bothered to type it out then what makes you think you can apply it to a mod? Help doesn't always come to you so you'll have to ask yourself sometimes. Plus impression is the way to go...So far I'll be shocked if anyone offers.

But good luck because I'm sure a mod like this could be fun if done right. Just don't beat yourself up if it dies...Learn from your mistakes.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 19:57:58 UTC Post #193679
thanks habboi! :) i will describe EVERYTHING after this comment
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 20:19:04 UTC Post #193680
ok. these are the details of the jackass mod.

style:a type of GMOD,just the spawn icons and menu/etc.

well,the meaning of a jackass is a donkey,or mule.the off term is either a mean person or a crazy person.this is that type of mod,a crazy mod.its a mod for HL2/GMOD. you can spawn special items,like big ramps,and dirtbikes,shopping cart with thrusters and etc.the point of this mod is to hang out with your friends and relax and have fun! i personally like the thought of this in need of 2 mappers,2 modelers,a concept artist,and 2 scripters(depending when i estimate the amount of scripts needed),and a person to have custom sounds.this is a multiplayer.we will do this on source.i can model a bit and i can get some sounds,but i need a sound man to script them.i can also get good textures and character skins.the reason i want to do this is so i can have that good feeling that i made a sucessful mod.and like habboi said,But good luck because I'm sure a mod like this could be fun if done right. Just don't beat yourself up if it dies...Learn from your mistakes.
i totally agree with him. i just want it to work,ive had this idea for friend,you may know him,rotatorsplint,may help me if i can get this partly going for will also have custom weapons!like plungers,spoons,forks,frisbees,knife,and others.the maps will be GREAT for jackass stunts.i also need a web developer for a website to start this all off.the models will be of the people on jackass,and other characters.steve-O,Bam Margera,Johnny Knoxville,Preston,Wee-Man,and "extra" characters. :P as far as props,i showed some up will also have props like railroads,trains,CUSTOM cars,(hehe),and other stuff.
btw,is that a real pic of you habboi? >.< there you are guys!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 20:25:47 UTC Post #193681
Ever heard of paragraphs? Okay, I'll shut up now.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 20:27:53 UTC Post #193682
nah,its cool
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 20:56:47 UTC Post #193684
anyone? : /
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 23:22:06 UTC Post #193691
1st of all, don't double-post ;) the "edit" button is below your avatar and if you are the last person to post, you can use it.

2nd of all, I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by
my friend,you may know him,rotatorsplint,may help me if i can get this partly going for mapping
because I AM a mapper and nothing else : . We need to discuss this more sometime later through Steam Chat.

3rd of all, your forum posts are difficult to read because they consist of a single paragraph and have no spacing after puncuation.

Finally, and to be quite honest, I think we need to scrap this, and start wayyyyy smaller... perhaps simply start by attempting a custom weapon or new monster. Why do you think that there are 9 versions of GMOD thus far? To better understand what I mean, open up the GMOD directory and open some of the files using notepad. Does any bit of it make sense?

And, if you think about it, it's not so much a new mod, as it is a paint-change for GMOD. Why recode everything to make somthing that's identical to GMOD save for the Jackass characters?

It's not like I wouldn't like to make an awesome mod with you, it's just that, from what I have seen, you probably are not ready to undertake somthing of this magnitude.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 02:30:27 UTC Post #193698
The dude can't even write coherently..
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 03:22:23 UTC Post #193700
and learn to do a lot more on your own.. The way I see it, is you're not actually planning to do something, and although leading a mod is a lot of work (dont i know it) you need to be able to contribute more to the mod.

In Hostage Situation, I'm mapping, skinning monsters, voice acting and making sounds.

It's a lot of work, yes, but to make a great mod, every member of the team must work to their fullest. If they're not that great at a particular aspect of modding, but know basically how to do it, they damn well better improve.

That counts for the mod leader too. Thinking out an idea is one thing, running a mod is completely different, especially when you have nothing to show your experience..

And please, please use proper grammar.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 08:42:50 UTC Post #193724
****may****.i dont really have a website...and i dont know how to show my work....but im just starting to have a slight itty bitty thought that i shouldnt of posted this.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 08:59:25 UTC Post #193727
It's good to be ambitious, but it's also good to know your limits. You may be biting off a little more than you can chew.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 09:42:41 UTC Post #193734
The way I see it is...If you've made lots of levels or modelled lots of things and you think you're ready then do so. Don't let us stop you.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 09:52:58 UTC Post #193736
ok,that sounds cool.i still need some help w/ modeling,but im good at it in general.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 10:10:49 UTC Post #193737
It's good that you have confidence then. I'm working on my own mod and so far I have a modeller, two artists and a coder and I got them by simply browsing forums and PM'ing them asking if they'd be interested.

I had to use a very nice and formal request to catch them and to be honest...don't take this harshly..I think you need to work more on presentation and conversational skills. Aka even though you wrote a description it was a bit messy...Slightly. Plus from experience, help comes when you make say 5% of the work first of all...You must start it off and work alone until 'help' thinks you are ready to be helped with.

Again good luck and read these:

Yes that was me about a year ago. - The av.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 11:44:30 UTC Post #193744
and hey habboi,do you have to pay a scripter?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 12:05:04 UTC Post #193745
Why all the seperate accounts? Saco Elliot Emblyn.. ??? :
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 12:26:33 UTC Post #193746
You don't pay anyone but pay can attract top people.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 12:38:32 UTC Post #193747
The grammar and presentation is a big seller in recruiting. Maybe you would attract more if your overall presentation was a bit more professional.

It would also be nice so see some of the work you have done with whatever you are able to do. You say you model, so can we see some of your models? Can you animate them and properly ragdoll them?

The creation of a mod is an incredible amount of work and close teamwork between the team.

Its hard for people to get behind you if you cannot give a decent coherent presentation about the project.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 13:27:36 UTC Post #193752
ok fist off,its ELLIOTT<------TWO Ts lol.and ill try to get links to my work
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 17:53:57 UTC Post #193772
No, it's ELLLIOTT.... you failed at spelling your own nick.
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