Invasion Created 17 years ago2006-09-22 19:30:14 UTC by Caboose Caboose

Created 17 years ago2006-09-22 19:30:14 UTC by Caboose Caboose

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 19:30:14 UTC Post #197233
Invasion will be a single-player mod for HL1 that puts you in the role of Sam Novak, a college student living in the suburbs outside of an un-named city. It will be a part of the Half-Life storyline, taking place between HL1 & 2. It will consist of three parts: The Portal Storms, The 7 Hour War, and Rise of The Overwatch.

Basically, it will show the player everything Gordon missed: how the Xen creatures got to Earth, the arrival of the Combine, and the eventual enslavement of humanity.

Some features planned for the mod:

-Custom textures throughout.
-Completely new monsters and AI, in addition to select HL and Op4 aliens.
-Brand-new soundtrack, and all new game sounds.
-Completely new HUD.
-All new weapons.

While still being very action-orientated, it won't be a simple gruntfest. Puzzles and storyline will also play a very large part of the game.

I've been working on this idea for close to a month now, and I think it's finally at the point where I can begin to create the custom materials. I've got so many great gameplay moments in my head, I can't wait to get started on the level design. But, I'd like to have everything else in place before I start in on that. So...

When all the storyline details are completed, I'll be in need of voice actors. But that won't be for some time.

Also, I need (at least) two more people: a coder, and someone who can help create the weapon models. And if anyone else would like to contribute anything at all, please feel free to contact me.

So, what do you guys think?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 21:00:29 UTC Post #197252
Sounds good. I would like to see a mod especially that focuses on the portal storms, 7hr war, and overwatch rise to power... especially one under the system that i can play, (i can play hl2 mods but.... lets just say 256 ram and intel xtreme grafics controler doesnt cut it.). Hope this makes it to the very end!
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 21:05:43 UTC Post #197255
Thanks...this would be for Source, but Steam won't accept my serial number for HL2 (thats what I get for buying retail).
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 23:30:24 UTC Post #197268
Well I dun get more ram and better grafics till xmas soo.... i praise your burden, but feel sorry for you at the same time.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 23:50:12 UTC Post #197269
I thought there were already some mods out there (for Source) that are doing this exact same thing? :
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-23 09:37:23 UTC Post #197293
I searched ModDB and all the projects doing this were either just plain shit and/or abandoned.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-30 15:30:57 UTC Post #198105
I've made some pretty decent progress in the last few weeks. Most of the story/gameplay elements are now completely laid out, and I've begun texture artwork and soundwork. (Anyone up for some voice acting? :D ) Also, I've completed two of the weapon w_models, and I'm working on a fourth. Here are the completed ones (texts & basic model shapes by me, fine tuning by a friend from another non-mapping related site):
User posted image
User posted image
As of right now, I'm still laying out the architecture of the first map, but I should have some screenies late next week.
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