Can education prevent wars? Created 17 years ago2007-04-19 17:40:01 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Created 17 years ago2007-04-19 17:40:01 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 17:40:01 UTC Post #219554
Topic says all actually, I've been doing some research on this lately but still couldnt decide on which idea to stick on to. So I would like to hear you guys comments and views on this discussion. Your cooperation would really help. If you have a min or 2 or if you feel like it, plz write about what you think of this. Yes or No? Why or Why not?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 18:05:48 UTC Post #219556
words to be noticed are " a min or 2" lets not post the usual 20 minute long posts that only end up getting the answer tl;dr.

in my opinion education can prevent discrimination and it opens up ones mind to other peoples views. However there is a distinction between high school education and a university degree.
High schoolers may be educated to some point but not enough. Universities actually teach you so much that you really evolve and your views are altered and evolve. Sadly Bush is a bit of an anti-thesis to this since one could call him semi-educated (went to Yale and read a book).

anyways, id definetly say that education can prevent alot of smaller stuff that later turns into bigger stuff. For instance an educated person would think twice about re-electing someone like bush. The uneducated person who thinks that America really is endangered by other countries well...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 18:15:59 UTC Post #219558
Education would help people to value life a bit more. You'll see a lot of armed conflicts in which people are just used as cannon fodder that die because Leader-X wants this or that resource from the country of Leader-Y.
Through education, people would also learn history and learn from past mistakes, as well as being able to detect lies and false excuses for war. Leader-X tells his people that the people of Leader-Y hate them. Leader-Y says that the people of Leader-X hate them. They don't know each other, they don't really hate each other, but since Leader-X and Leader-Y DO hate each other, the rest must die for them. It's pretty interesting to know that the ones responsible for starting a conflict usually never die these days.

I could elaborate more on these points, but I think you can already take off from these ideas.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 18:22:02 UTC Post #219559
Education is a good thing, and certainly a path to peace when free from corruption.

However, human nature in itself is corruption.

Maybe we need the Combine to supress our reproductive capability and teach us how to ignore instinct......;)
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