Gay marriage Created 17 years ago2007-06-19 13:34:22 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Created 17 years ago2007-06-19 13:34:22 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 08:12:44 UTC Post #225801
Yeah, that was agreed, but ZL had mentioned the church. That's why we discussed it.

Legality is a tricky issue if you consider that most (it not ALL) of our laws are artificial and respond to different time periods and the needs of different societies, sometimes crafted by those in power. For example, the 'right to health and public healthcare' (which should be something even more important that the right to marry, etc) isn't recognized the same way in the US and Europe. And I'm mentioning elements from the western world, which supposedly have a lot in common.

If a new law helps in any way and harms in no way, it is always welcome.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 08:57:47 UTC Post #225805
After 4 long posts I was done, but when you're pro-gay marriage you generaly got the same points as the rest of the pro-gay marriage ppl, and the same goes when you're against it.

I'm pro-gay marriage, gays are generally people just like me and you, they just have a different sex preferment. What they do in their bedrooms is none of my business. ;)

If 2 people love each other, why couldn't they marry each other then? Seriously, live and let live.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 09:06:37 UTC Post #225806
Though, they might not find peace even the laws say so. There will always be bunch of rednecks who hate them. So even if it will be allowed they will be suffering psychological damage from their parents as well. "Mom, dad. I'm going to marry John". Imagine yourself as their parent? Technically their marriage will bring more sacrifices than before. If they want to marry each other, I say, let them have each other. Why would I care about what wil happen in the future? Do I care about the Global Warming which will kill us all? No and hell no.

/me goes out with bunch of deodorants, spraying everywhere.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 09:10:22 UTC Post #225807
What? Sajo's post made so little sense it almost hurt.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 09:14:12 UTC Post #225808
What? Sajo's post made so little sense it almost hurt.
I had no intention to hurt. If you dont get it, save your comment for yourself.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 09:14:54 UTC Post #225809
And I wanted to see if you just read it fast but damn what on Earth did he just write...

(Beaten by Saco)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 09:25:16 UTC Post #225811
lol nubboi, Looking at your avatar makes me think "Why should I even bother?"

Shortly, I just said that I agree with the idea of allowing gay mariage
also for those who is concerned about the future after allowing it, why care? Was Irrevelant to the last subject though.

If still didnt understand? I'm sorry, just carry on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 09:26:22 UTC Post #225812
Fuck this, all kids need a mother and father figure - I know what its like to be brought up without having your own father around, and believe me it fucks you up.

So having a dad and fucking dad wont do a kid any good - it's a complete mess.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 13:02:41 UTC Post #225841
Fuck this, all kids need a mother and father figure - I know what its like to be brought up without having your own father around, and believe me it fucks you up.
So having a dad and fucking dad wont do a kid any good - it's a complete mess.
I know what it's without a father, even tho I do have a father, he's hardly home. We hardly ever speak with each other, even tho we live in the same home. I won't go into details, because that's very personal, but I feel like saying that that statement of yours Jahzel, is bullshit.

My mother was the one generally raising me, and even tho it hurts missing my dad at important achievements, I think i've turned out just fine.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 13:50:05 UTC Post #225842
There are millions of single parents raising perfectly fine kids.

Besides, since homosexual couples can't have kids, why are we discussing this? If homosexuals should be allowed to adopt is a different issue.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 13:54:13 UTC Post #225845
Look, yeah I know - I was just real pissed off earlier about something...

Let's not lead this thread off topic.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 20:02:54 UTC Post #225911
1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

What brought this up, anyways, ZL?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 04:08:50 UTC Post #225936
Actualy, gayness is quite natural, most animals are gay and hetro, so its us humans that apprantly cant get around this stuff. Fortunately gay marriage is allowd here, would be a tab bit racist to ban such a thing, since its a thing about love and not about sexuality. And really, gay people can finely raise children, wich are completely straight. Kinda limited thinking in my oppinion.

Offcourse, its obvious that such a thing would never pass in america, since god and the state arent separated, just look at the justice system, they swore on the bible.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 05:08:17 UTC Post #225938
It's still not legalised here, which is for shame. There's virtually no one in opposition of it except the Christian party and seriously, no one listens to them anyway. I don't really know why nothing's been done about it yet.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 06:00:21 UTC Post #225940
Actualy, gayness is quite natural
Pepper, he was being sarcastic...
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 09:27:52 UTC Post #225955
Actualy, gayness is quite natural, most animals are gay and hetro, so its us humans that apprantly cant get around this stuff. Fortunately gay marriage is allowd here, would be a tab bit racist to ban such a thing, since its a thing about love and not about sexuality. And really, gay people can finely raise children, wich are completely straight. Kinda limited thinking in my oppinion.
Aye, The Netherlands ftw. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 12:07:52 UTC Post #225966
just look at the justice system, they swore on the bible.
They don't do that anymore for a reason.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 12:18:54 UTC Post #225968
Hey I'm in Mass and gay people can get married here, for the moment anyways.

And yes, church and state are shamefully un-separated in the US. It's pretty stupid, and you wonder how it happens.

Then you realize that like sixty percent of registered republicans don't even believe in evolution...

Well, that sorta explains it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 12:20:14 UTC Post #225969
Dude zombie like everything u sayed isnt true. theres not only one religeon in america theres a LOT. People can be raised succesfuly from one parent! Not all straight couples have straight children. The world doesnt need a lot more babies, population is growing fast. And what the hell are you talking about, many americans wear glasses and we like all have air conditioning. true thow catholic and other similar "bible" based religions are against homo sexuality all together. In the bible of mathew it says you will be kept away from the kingdom of god if you are homosexual.

And-marriage is not a civil right it is a holly sacrement and churches will not support something that is sayed to be wrong in the bible!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 12:22:16 UTC Post #225971
Ok. Do you know what SATIRE is?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 13:01:53 UTC Post #225982
Jeez, zeeba-G, you're an idiot. Ever heard of sarcasm?

Besides, marriage isn't a "holy union" anymore, it's a legally binding contract. Therefore, it should be available to everyone.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 13:06:29 UTC Post #225983
So, can a man marry his sister?
Marriage should be available to everyone, right?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 13:13:43 UTC Post #225984
I don't see why not. The only problem with incest is the chance of damaged children, so that might be a good idea to prevent, but it has little to do with marriage.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 15:11:38 UTC Post #225991
1. Some people don't beleive in evolution because evolutionism's main building blocks are very flawed. We can discuss that later. But it's very debateable.

2. Homosexuality is NOT natural. It totally flies in the face of Natural Selection. You can't have it both ways. Either it's not natural, or it's a natural defect. If homosexuality is genetic, which seems to be the general consensus, then it is a gene which causes behavior prohibitive of mating. Meaning that by the laws of evolution by natural selection (which must be absolute truth), it is a defective mutation. That OR you can say that it is NOT natural and that it is not genetic, but environmental. In the latter case, why would we change laws to tailor to a psychosis. We don't allow people with multiple personalities to marry once for each personality they have.

Just because a group of people is more numerous in thier difference, doesn't make that difference NATURAL or NORMAL.

3. The animals that you claim are gay are just ANIMALS acting upon instinct and humping anything when they are horny.... Yuo can't say that a dog who humps people's legs is "leg-osexual." Homosexuality is a "SEXUAL PREFERENCE" if you see animals at teh store making choices based on thier preferences and buying one product over another, then your argument might hold some water. The fact is that animals act on instinct. even a dog who chooses a peice of meat over a potato is not CHOOSING, he's a carnivore. it's his instinct.

Humans are not animals. Not everything is "not our fault."
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 19:09:43 UTC Post #226017
zombie, say if you owned a pawn shop and sold many items. "but", you didnt sell firearms because you were against violence. If someone came up to your store and tryed to sell you a pistol, it would NOT be discrimination to deny buying the weapon from them and it would NOT be wrong to deny buying it from them.

On another note, Everyone on earth is given a different test from God. This test is " a person's life" """EVERYONES""" test is different... Some people's tests are harder than others but the one that they are given is the one they are stuck with and have to take. What I have grown to belive is that being homosexual is their test. AND it is a very hard test that is rooted deep in them and they have to over come it. If the church belives that something is wrong than it should not support it... "here is a great example why not"

___Abortion was legalized ---Now its ok to murder your baby while its still in the womb. How stuped and UNmoral is this. If you stab someone to death but do not see them die does it make it ok? no. But being legallized and giving it a fancy word like abortion which means abort is wrong because in order to push the abort button, After you already have sex YOU CANT push it. But being legalized, everyone thinks murdering your own baby because you dont want to deal with it is ok..
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 19:11:45 UTC Post #226018
Personal beliefs. Stop making religion the reasons why it's not ok for gays to marry. Not everyone believes the same things you do, so don't shove it down their throats.

Off topic: For having English as a first language, you have a terrible sense of how to use it, such as grammar and spelling, Zeeba.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 19:35:05 UTC Post #226022
Well homosexuality being wrong to church is their personal belief so they dont have to hold marriage ceremonys for homosexuals.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 19:52:17 UTC Post #226024
The debate of 'natural' and 'unnatural' is flawed. Earth was a giant mass of rock thousands of millions of years ago. Animals (or any kind of life) were not 'natural' or indigenous to the planet when it was born.
We can only talk about how natural one thing is compared to another, but not to some absolute truth. Not even the laws of physics and chemistry enable us to do so yet.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 20:44:58 UTC Post #226030
Kasperg, Evolution has it all figured out. as far as humans go, it is very easy to tell what is natural and what is not. Modern science and medicine is so advanced, now. Over half the population of the world would not even exist if it weren't for our life-saving technology. Humans are at the pinnacle of their evolution.

<quote>Not everyone believes the same things you do, so don't shove it down their throats.</quote>

Tell that to the people who seem to be shoving GAY down America's throat until we give up and say "Whatever you do is okay!"
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 21:43:51 UTC Post #226033
The whole debate boils down to this:

If you have a problem with gays, you're a douche.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 23:38:45 UTC Post #226049
"If you don't agree with my side, you're a dupid-head!"
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