Help with mathzorz... Created 16 years ago2008-03-26 05:14:10 UTC by TheElzar TheElzar

Created 16 years ago2008-03-26 05:14:10 UTC by TheElzar TheElzar

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 05:14:10 UTC Post #248039
Okay, so I wouldn't know where to begin with attempting this, or even if it's remotely possible...BUT...I figured I'd throw out the idea up here and see if it flies...

Okay, so say I have this 2 story map, each level having a display which lights up, letting others know that there is somebody ON said level (setup by triggers and lights, real barbaric, I know, bear with me)...

Is there ANY way to also have displayed the number of people on that level?

If you can't get a visual based upon my description I could upload a screenie...but I'm just looking to know A) If this is possible, and B) if there's anyone that could walk me through how to do it [or do it for me]

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 11:52:46 UTC Post #248047
I may have something for you, im testing it out atm, so check back soon.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 12:56:55 UTC Post #248050
You could try checking the height on the Z axis, and with a IF statement so it will add one to a counter.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 13:13:37 UTC Post #248052
Great. You just cost me an entire edit post, pepper. And what you're saying doesn't make sense at all and im pretty sure that doesn't help TheElzar in any way.

TheElzar, here's an example map:

The entity setup in that map is designed for a 2 story/level/floor map with a maximum of eight players.

If you thank me for this, you should thank chrispy as well as he helped me with a similar issue before.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 13:55:14 UTC Post #248060
Course it make sense, you just let the program check if the player is between 2 Z coordinates, if he is then it will add 1 to a counter, that can be displayed onscreen.

Sorry, my bad. Im used to working in flash, but you cant really easily edit code for source.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 14:19:18 UTC Post #248061
You can't just display the value of a math_counter. You need logic_case and game_text entities for that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-27 08:33:51 UTC Post #248071
Thanks Muzzle, that definitely looks like it would work for the time being...

However I do have 2 notes...

Will this work on CS:S? And is there a way to map a physical output on the map for each value, rather than on the screen?

Tested this entity setup on a CS:S map, does not work...These entities aren't HL2 specific are they?

I could post the .vmf of the map I'm trying to make this work on if it would help in any way...
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-27 12:23:02 UTC Post #248076
If one or more entities i used are not available in CSS, then you're out of luck im afraid...
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-27 14:25:47 UTC Post #248080
I'll check up on that later, they didn't show up as "invalid" entities when I transfered them into source, so I didn't check to see if they were in the entity list...

But while I'm at it, do you mind picking your brain (or those who may know) on if it's possible to divert the outputs of the counters to something physically mounted on the map?

Like say, a screen on the map that has the numbers which would be displayed via text...
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-27 17:13:22 UTC Post #248081
If you can draw out exactly what you want, ill give it a try. Its good practise though.

Basically you just want a screen/monitor on each floor that displays the number of players on that floor?

I have a neat idea myself as well, so ill think ill try both ways, so you can choose wich one you like the most.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-28 16:20:02 UTC Post #248101
I sent you a PM with the map that I'm trying to do this on, as well as a description of what I want on it... least I think I sent you a PM...

How do you view your outbox? Or can you?

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