God Created 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:03:05 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Created 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:03:05 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:03:05 UTC Post #265504
I was called to the emergency room last night to see a ten-year-old boy who has appendicitis.

The mother refuses to consent him to have surgery. She told me that they're going to go home and pray, and God is going to make her son better.

She said she believes in miracles, not science.

I told her that God had sent me and the best surgeon to help her son, and refusing surgery would be refusing the will of God.

She still refused.

So I had to call child protective services and remove the child from her custody.

What do you do with an insane person like this?
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:09:36 UTC Post #265505
delusional people generally get their beliefs from their parents. I bet the mother did, and I bet the best thing that could have happened to that boy was being cared for by protective services, life-threatening illness or not.

Well done, sir.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:38:59 UTC Post #265506
If someone is stupid enough to put their faith in a fictional being to cure a life threatening illness, they don't deserve to have children. She should be locked up and never be allowed to reproduce again, or come into contact with her child. Brainwashing your kid with religious propaganda is bad enough but entrusting their life to some silly fictional character in lieu of the hands of a trained surgeon is just madness.

Christianity and indeed other religious should be considered serious mental illnesses right up there with major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. They share a main characteristic with psychosis, delusional thoughts, belief in the supernatural.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:39:30 UTC Post #265507
You did the right thing Satch, gg.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:45:07 UTC Post #265508
all i can think is that christianity in other countries must be a hell of a lot different than in australia. i'm christian and all this hate is just absolute shit. i guess down here it's more of a way of life more than anything else, no fundamentalist hardcore shit down here.it's not the religion's fault the people are fucking retarded, it's the fucking retarded person's fault for being fucking retarded. you guys are idiots. except satchmo... respect.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:09:02 UTC Post #265510
If she actually knew anything about her own faith she would know that Jesus had explicitly said: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test." (Matthew 4:7) So yes, she is outright foolish for blindly thinking that God would have healed her son when it can easily be done through normal medical means. Of course, if the surgery somehow went wrong (unlikely) then I say she is free to pray for healing - and I have seen some profound events where people should have died but ended up living - but that's no reason to refuse an appendectomy.

Oh yeah, Trapt you guys do have some pretty hardcore churches down there (e.g. Hillsong) but from what I've seen, none of them practice the same ignorant theology as this woman. Same way here. We have some pretty "fundamentalist" churches here, but none that I know of would recommend not having surgery for something that is certain to kill you otherwise. I think it just a handful of weird denominations that do this stuff. Like those churches that handle venomous snakes. We think they're weird here too.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:12:23 UTC Post #265511
I believe religion is meant to keep people from shooting each other. The real problem is that faith in god is being slowly degraded, and such, world war 3 approaches.

I do not say you have to be like that person, satch did the correct thing. But you need to have some spiritual education.

[EDIT] Ultra-lol. guinea and me at the same time.

[EDIT2] Hmm, I edited and the time changed ...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:21:56 UTC Post #265513
It's not hate, it's pity. I pity people who put their faith in the supernatural. It provides false hope to those are too weak to think for themselves. I can't deny that our knowledge of the universe isn't good enough to totally discount the existence of a "god", but the difference is, christians put blind faith into the existence of such a being without any consideration. It's purely delusional thinking.

Most christians try to justify their beliefs by telling you how it saves people from addictions or depression or other similar situations. The truth is, hope, no matter how false, is still very powerful - it's a placebo.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:43:02 UTC Post #265514
where i come from, most people stop believing in god around the same time as <SPOILERS> they stop believing in santa claus. </SPOILERS>

of course, a jolly fat man handing out presents is in fact a lot more likely than EARF IN 6 DAIS LAWL
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:53:39 UTC Post #265515
It makes me wonder why the mother brought the kid in, in the first place.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:59:26 UTC Post #265516
I see nothing wrong with non-fundamental religion. Believe in what you like as long as it stimulates positive behaviour and lets you sleep calm thinking there's more to your existence than this life.

And fucking hell, Satchmo, great respect for what you did for that child. All in a day's work, eh? ;)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 13:01:35 UTC Post #265517
What do you do with an insane person like this?
Electrotherapy. GO!
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 13:03:40 UTC Post #265518
It makes me wonder why the mother brought the kid in, in the first place.
I asked the mother this very same question. Why come to the doctors when her son is in the very capable hand of God?

She said it's because her son's pain was so severe that he thought he was going to die, and her son asked her to bring him to the doctor's.

The son begged me to operate on him. He wants the surgery. Unfortunately, he's only ten, and this crazy society rather put the rights to consent to medical treatment in a crazy person than a rational ten-year-old.

At the end, this has nothing to do with religion or faith. The mother is just a nut case. And nut cases throughout history used religion as justification for their crazy behavior.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 13:07:17 UTC Post #265519
And fucking hell, Satchmo, great respect for what you did for that child. All in a day's work, eh?
That's why there are so many medical drama shows on television.

I live the drama at work everyday.

What I didn't mention so far is that at the same time this was going on, the next bed was a 16-year-old girl who just got diagnosed with diabetes.

She and her mother were both crying because it's such a devastating news.

I spent two hours counseling the diabetic girl and her family in the emergency room.

I spent seven hours in the ER last night. It was emotionally exhausting.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 13:28:43 UTC Post #265520
So did the kid get end up getting the surgery after all?
It's not hate, it's pity. I pity people who put their faith in the supernatural. It provides false hope to those are too weak to think for themselves. I can't deny that our knowledge of the universe isn't good enough to totally discount the existence of a "god", but the difference is, christians put blind faith into the existence of such a being without any consideration. It's purely delusional thinking.

Most christians try to justify their beliefs by telling you how it saves people from addictions or depression or other similar situations. The truth is, hope, no matter how false, is still very powerful - it's a placebo.
I do think for myself. But I'm not afraid to admit that I was too weak to change who I was. I was a mess. And somehow, giving my life over to something greater was the only thing that has produced such dramatic change in my life. Call it a placebo effect if you'd like but it's the only thing that has worked. I really can't justify what I say, but I can't deny it either. And believe me, I have gone through extensive consideration of what I believe. But believing in the existence of God does not indicate that anyone is delusional or feeble-minded. Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant men to ever live, believed firmly in the existence of God. So please, no pity for me, I consciously made this choice, and my life is honestly far better as a result.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 13:34:55 UTC Post #265521
Believing isn't the same as knowing.
I ignore people who say "there is a God" and I ignore people who say "there is no God". I mean, there is no solid evidence.
If someone say "I believe in God" or "I don't believe in God" that's fine by me, as long as they don't say their way of thinking is right without providing any evidence to support their idea.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 13:51:13 UTC Post #265522
I don't believe in something that I cannot experience myself.

I don't trust anyone.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 15:29:30 UTC Post #265524
Potatis hit the nail on the head.
Less theology bashing, moar psycho lady bashing.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 15:56:09 UTC Post #265528
That's some pretty crazy stuff.

I commend you on your actions. I hate religion for this very reason, in that people put to much decision making into their beliefs it totally clouds the truth.

Believe me when I say I'd give you a standing ovation for what you did.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 16:02:08 UTC Post #265529
i'm christian and all this hate is just absolute shit. i guess down here it's more of a way of life more than anything else, no fundamentalist hardcore shit down here.it's not the religion's fault the people are fucking retarded, it's the fucking retarded person's fault for being fucking retarded
I agree with everything you said there. I personally beleive in god, but I also beleive in science. God gave us inteligence so we could do things like removing apendixes, and challenges so we could grow in intelligence. That lady is not normal, though. Why pray when you can get it fixed right there and then? Good job reporting her, Satch. After all, your duty as a doctor is not to your superiors, or the patient's mother. It's to the patient, to save their lives.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 16:23:03 UTC Post #265530
I hate religion for this very reason, in that people put to much decision making into their beliefs it totally clouds the truth.
You're letting a bad apple spoil the bunch. Be rational, you're smarter that that.

Religious people aren't crazy; crazy people can be religious.
Crazy people do crazy things, regardless of what they believe. And if their faith is a big part of their daily life, then it will show up in some crazy action, as would any major part of any crazed, nonreligious person's lifestyle.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 16:26:23 UTC Post #265531
Alright, you're right. But these kind of stories tend to piss me off, makes me questions people's intelligence, faith in humanity, etc.

And that's usually how it goes with religion. Take Muslims for instance. Not all of them are bent on destroying America, but those irrational few can be shown to represent the whole.

I forgot to comment:
I believe religion is meant to keep people from shooting each other.
This will be the absolute only time I say this, but I agree. Not in terms of people shooting each other, but rather religion comes out of the need for morality and controlling the way people act. Not so much for sinister reasons, but for, as I said, morality issues.

It's just one of those things you go to when making a decision and assures you making a certain choice is the right one for when after you die.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 17:39:51 UTC Post #265537
At the end, I got the father of the boy to come to the hospital and sign the consent. He's all for surgery.

The ten-year-old is feeling fine now. He had the surgery last night, and he's recovering rapidly.

If I were the father, I would divorce the mother right away. I wouldn't want anyone endangering my children's lives.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 17:53:19 UTC Post #265540
The kid's okay, that's what matters.
If I were the father, I would divorce the mother right away. I wouldn't want anyone endangering my children's lives.
For sure!
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 17:58:02 UTC Post #265541
I, personally, am an athiest. However, unlike what people often think of such people, I am also open-minded. I don't believe in a god, but if you do, good on you, keep it up. I'll let you believe what you want to believe, I just won't believe it myself. If you can prove (SOLIDLY) that your deity of choice exists, I might consider believing in it myself. The only thing I CANNOT stand about the religious types (besides the nutcases like this thread was about) is when they push it onto others. I let you believe what you want to believe, so let me be athiest in peace.

EDIT: I also can't stand it when religions advertise. I don't want to hear about your god. No-one promotes athiesm, thankfully. (luckily, it's still on the rise)
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 18:02:10 UTC Post #265543
Stab her in the face
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 18:24:45 UTC Post #265546
Christianity is the only major religion that promotes converting.
Islam and Judaism are both very much "chosen people" religions, and under most sects, conversion isn't even possible.
Hinduism and Buddhism are both self-seeking religions, centered around doing what's best for yourself.

From now on, just say "Christianity" instead of "religion".
No-one promotes athiesm, thankfully.
Any time someone attacks someone's faith, they're inadvertantly advertising atheistic thinking. While you may not go out of your way to tell other people that they're wrong, you have to see that hardcore atheists are no less prone to pushing what they believe is true than hardcore Christians. The method they use just isn't sugar coated.

Edit: Way off topic, we be. Great to hear the father was willing to sign the consent form, and that the kid is recovering.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 18:51:48 UTC Post #265547
Theres nothing wrong with believing that God can help save ones life in time of need but at the same time you should still do all that you can yourself. That being getting medical attention but praying doesn't hurt. Miracles have been blessed upon people even that I know.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 19:06:37 UTC Post #265548
. plz remove post .
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 19:25:11 UTC Post #265549
Christianity is the only major religion that promotes converting.
I don't, I'm a christian. Remember, there are multiple branches, not all have quite the same views, and it's also up to the person.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:19:36 UTC Post #265552
I don't believe in something that I cannot experience myself.

I don't trust anyone.
Very similar to my own views. I don't tend to trust anyone until they've proven themselves trustworthy, but generally I don't care what people think.
Although, I hate it when people try to make others follow their beliefs, such as in this case.
No person should be allowed to force their own rules onto somebody else, especially when it endangers lives.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:36:48 UTC Post #265553
No person should be allowed to force their own rules onto somebody else, especially when it endangers lives.
Another example of inteligence in the face of the religion debate, keep up the good work, folks.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:53:08 UTC Post #265555
I am the lord god hallelujah

thou shalt not
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:54:35 UTC Post #265557
...Worship false gods made of fish/gold/whatever
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:55:17 UTC Post #265558
jeffMOD you are against religion

thou shalt not exist
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:57:40 UTC Post #265559
You can't delete me! I am on TWHL's secret file running server! (it also has an admin only compiling network!)
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 20:59:13 UTC Post #265560
Those words make no sense to god

just die
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 21:00:57 UTC Post #265561
They make perfect sense to MY god, because he is all knowing. They just don't make sense to you.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 21:01:14 UTC Post #265562
god doesnt exist
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 21:07:12 UTC Post #265563
If you don't believe in religion than do you just believe that you are an overly smart animal that evolved to your state? Just think about what is around you. Do you not believe that good dooers should be rewarded and that evil dooers should be punished or dealt with? Does everyone deserve the same thing? Does someone that murders people deserve what someone that helps people stay alive deserve? Is their really a higher being out there whom of which is of all good and deserving? Well you probably won't know for sure until you die. If there is something out there you will probably find out but if not, it won't matter because your existence and mind and soul would simply vanish forever. I personally believe in God because I have already been rewarded on earth more than I deserve and I am always comforted and seemingly helped with prayer. :D I am christian and actually catholic but I only believe in God and the bible so it really doesn't matter what you call yourself. I don't want to convert anyone to my religion but only have one request that can't really hurt. Just pick up a bible and read the Genesis at the beggining. Its very interesteing. If you want to go on to something else even more interesting flip over to mathew and begin reading. Don't turn something down without giving it a chance.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 21:08:57 UTC Post #265565
I don't understand ppl that refuse to take medical care because they "beleive" god will save them.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 21:19:51 UTC Post #265566
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 21:55:11 UTC Post #265567
All praise Tuna. We are not worthy!
I don't, I'm a christian. Remember, there are multiple branches, not all have quite the same views, and it's also up to the person.
The core concept of Christianity, salvation by accepting the Christ or dine in Hell, promotes advertising. It doesn't force it, but it does promote it. That concept doesn't change with denominations, except maybe Catholicism because of the medium you have to go through.
I never said anything at the individual level, and I hope you don't think I was accusing you, personally, of anything. I don't go there.
I don't want to convert anyone to my religion but only have one request that can't really hurt. Just pick up a bible and read the Genesis at the beggining. Its very interesteing.
I thought Revelations was much more interesting, but you have to know a lot of "backstory" first. Most of the bible can be a fun read when taken as literature.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 23:18:26 UTC Post #265569
The revelations was a little too confusing for me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 23:38:40 UTC Post #265571
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-15 00:11:42 UTC Post #265572
gg indeed.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-15 00:17:52 UTC Post #265573
Tuna ---> :pwned:

You started with crap and then contradicted your own crap at the end!! WTF!!

Anyways...sure, I believe in God but do not agree that you have to be religious to follow god. Therefore, I do not attend a church and we follow what we believe is the right thing to by him. But we believe other people have the right to be religious in any way they want.

And satch did the right thing, if there wasn't a problem then they wouldn't have taken the boy away...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-15 00:33:30 UTC Post #265575
Next person to post a pointless bullshit like Tuna, or to post an image without actually contributing to this thread gets a smack in the face.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-15 00:40:19 UTC Post #265576
Does someone that murders people deserve what someone that helps people stay alive deserve?
In the afterlife, yes. Here goes my religious views.

The major fault that lead me away from religion (when I was younger and none of them could answer my questions properly, possibly because there are no answers) is the question of the afterlife, specifically Christian heaven and hell.

I think 'punishment' in all its forms is a very human thing to do. That being said, as my religious teachers so often put it "God is above us humans". The only proper way of dealing with people who have done wrong in a humane, rather than human, fashion, would be rehabilitation and reform.

I'm not completely up to date on everything, so my pop culture view on Christianity might be flawed but from what I know only those 'deserving' get into heaven. The flaw I see in this is why just punish people who have done wrongs in their lives? Why not educate them in the afterlife and as a supreme being grant them understanding of what they've done wrong, why it was wrong, and make them understand that they should have done otherwise. After all of that, I think they should also be let into heaven.

Back on topic, zeeba-G was probably talking about this woman who would've "let her son die" and how satchmo deserves to be rewarded. Well my take on it is they both get into heaven anyway. :glad:
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-15 01:33:38 UTC Post #265578
I think you made the right decision satchmo.

potatis_invalid I have a question for you. You said,
I ignore people who say 'there is a God' and I ignore people who say 'there is no God'. I mean, there is no solid evidence.
I understand that you want people to say "believe" because none of this is absolutely certain, but I don't understand the idea of not having evidence that God doesn't exist. What does that even mean? So would people be wrong if they said there are no unicorns or there is no such thing as healthy, good tasting bacon? (These are just silly examples AND DON'T SAY TURKEY BACON, but I would like to know more about what you said.)
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