Adding my own text to maps Created 15 years ago2009-05-12 22:21:36 UTC by kingloser kingloser

Created 15 years ago2009-05-12 22:21:36 UTC by kingloser kingloser

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 22:21:36 UTC Post #266862
I was wondering if there was a tutorial or if neone has instructions on how to add my own text/images to a map. Im new to mapping and was wondering how to put my clan logo into a map im making. Thanks in advance
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 22:47:50 UTC Post #266863
Goldsource (HL1/CS 1.6/TFC etc) or Source?

Goldsource, you're looking to use Wally (usage tutorial)

And for source, we have a tutorial right here on TWHL.
Alternatively for source, if you're a photoshop user, download Nem's .vtf plugin.

Welcome to TWHL. Stick around (:
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-13 00:02:49 UTC Post #266866
If you want to add text or a logo to an existing non-Source map, you will have to rip a new entity into it. This is easiest if you use a sprite.

To do this:
1. Download BSP Edit and Sprwiz.
2. Import your image into sprwiz and export the resulting sprite to your sprites folder. If you want text, just throw some text into MS Paint and save it as a 256bit BMP. Your image will have to use a 256-color palette.
3. Load the map you want your logo, and move to where you want your logo to be. Then open the console and type "status". Find your coordinates and copy them.
4. Close your game, run BSP Edit, and load your map. If it's a default map, you will have to use GFCScape to export the map from the game's gfc in your steam folder so you can load it into BSP Edit. Somewhere in all that code, paste this:
"renderamt" "255"
"scale" "1"
"model" "sprites/NAME OF YOUR SPRITE.spr"
"framerate" "10.0"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"rendercolor" "0 0 0"
"classname" "env_sprite"
Save the map to your maps folder and go load it up. Your logo should be sitting there when you go check.

On a side note: If this is really what you're trying to do, please don't do it to a custom map. People who download it from your server will be forced to download your edited version of the map, and mappers hate it when people do this sort of thing to their maps.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-13 09:20:48 UTC Post #266890
Thanks. im using source btw, HL2DM. THis is going into my own map not someone elses. Our clan is running a benefit type thing and im making maps for certain events. Neway dos neone know how to make a running timer? logic_timer doesnt work like im looking for. IM making an obstacle course map and would like to have a player push a button at the start to start the timer and then when they open the door to the exit it makes the timer stop. I dont mind if it doesnt show on screen but that would be a bonus.
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