U.S. Army 2030: Things to come Created 15 years ago2009-05-24 18:15:44 UTC by Tito Tito

Created 15 years ago2009-05-24 18:15:44 UTC by Tito Tito

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 18:15:44 UTC Post #267409
As a former, proud member of the U.S. military, I try to be in the loop as much as I can, when it comes to the latest gear in America's arsenal. Case in point: The U.S. Army "Future Warrior Program". I have known about this "black-ops" project a bit from back in my service days when I was in the U.S. Navy. Now, it seems that it is getting some real media attention. What we are talking about here, is the evolution of the standard Army infantry soldier in to a super human, high tech weapon like never seen before. So, here's a quick recap of it:
User posted image
Aided by "smart drugs," enhanced with prosthetics, and protected by a lightweight suit of armor, this soldier of the future possesses near super-human capabilities and weapons that would make even Iron Man jealous. He's suited up in an "exoskeleton" - essentially a Storm Trooper-esque external shell - that allows him to carry heavy loads. Electronics integrated in his outfit allow for simultaneous language translation, automatic identification of potential foes, and video-game-like targeting. If the soldier is tired, overworked, or injured, neural and physiological sensors automatically send an alert to headquarters.

For a more technical detailed report with more pictures on all of this, go here: http://www.nypost.com/seven/05232009/postopinion/opedcolumnists/soldier_of_the_future_170680.htm
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 18:46:22 UTC Post #267410
Well, With that tech, nothing's stopping the next corrupt president from invading canada... Better learn the US anthem. :P I kid, of course.
Looks useful.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 19:02:41 UTC Post #267411
Yeah, Starship Troopers was pretty cool.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 19:02:47 UTC Post #267412
Well, With that tech, nothing's stopping the next corrupt president from invading canada
That would depend on how much oil reserves Canada has. But in reality, America's southern neighbor, Mexico....would most likely be the one invaded. They have plenty of oil reserves, plus their drug cartel's wars are spilling in to the U.S. side, giving the American President all the excuses to do a surprise invasion.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 19:10:48 UTC Post #267415
It's gonna be way too expensive to outfit every soldier with this crap. If this stuff even exists in 20 years, maybe a few lucky soldiers will get to use it in special situations, but we can't afford this for every guy on the battlefield. In 20 years, you'll still see guys running around getting shot at in regular uniforms like you do now.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 19:13:32 UTC Post #267417
Nananana. That uniform is certainly not white. Dismissed.

Ok seriously. Where is our world going to? :(
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 19:19:09 UTC Post #267420
Haven't exoskeleton suits for soldiers been development for quite some time now?
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 19:49:41 UTC Post #267423
Haven't exoskeleton suits for soldiers been development for quite some time now?
Why yes, World Crafter....exoskeleton suits have already been invented, by the Japanese,....who else? But unlike in the U.S., in Japan the exoskeleton is being mostly developed for humane applications.

For an example: Assisting very old people, or people with spinal cord injuries, so they can move around normally without a wheel chair. Also, the use of exoskeletons in the heavy industry, like construction, is also being studied by the Japanese. Here's a youtube video of a Japanese real exoskeleton in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSP46lWvxJ4
It's gonna be way too expensive to outfit every soldier with this crap. If this stuff even exists in 20 years, maybe a few lucky soldiers will get to use it in special situations
You are right. Most likely it will be special forces who use this new tech.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 20:41:43 UTC Post #267426
Cool video.

It seems that the Japanese is always leading in the way of innovation.

Just look at the American automobile industry. In a few years, they would all be extinct.

Americans can't make good cars anymore.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 20:57:19 UTC Post #267427
Americans can't make good cars anymore.
Well, they can...but not the regular everyday ones...only the expensive luxury gas-guzzlers

As for that armour...all we need are pulse weapons...and they always leave a weakness in the joints, an accurate sniper could easily incapacitate (not kill) most armoured units...same goes for armoured vehicles...there is always a weak point or a vulnerability...
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 20:59:33 UTC Post #267428
We can, It's just that while we were making gas guzzling muscle cars, they were making gas sipping fuel saving compact cars.
They had about a 20 year head start in that department and it shows. No United States built car can match the economy of the Japanese cars.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-24 21:31:28 UTC Post #267430
Just look at the American automobile industry. In a few years, they would all be extinct.
If the American auto industry was left on their own without no outside interference, yes I would agree with you, satchmo. But that's not the case here, since you might have already been hearing about in the news, the U.S. government has been pumping BILLION$ upon BILLION$ of tax payer's money in to the car makers. Letting the American auto industry go out of business will have unimaginable consequences, not to mention a very toxic, political fallout for Washington DC. To make the point short: Letting Detroit die is not an option, period! You can bet President Obama's administration is very aware of the dangers this massive industry collapse could cause, and therefore he will do everything in is power to avert it, at any costs.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 02:33:22 UTC Post #267447
The topic of this thread quickly changed to cars.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 05:15:15 UTC Post #267451
its quite a nice connection -

Americans build huge road hog SUVs that suck the petrol down. Close countries have oil reserves. Use brand new armor and give them to US soldiers. invade and seize oil.
hopefully the armor protects both front and back.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 05:26:19 UTC Post #267452
Everybody loves cars.

Also america is pig disguisting
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 06:57:19 UTC Post #267454
this is SO stupid, I don't even know where to begin.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 07:48:57 UTC Post #267455
Also america is pig disguisting
Swine flu?
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 08:25:32 UTC Post #267456
this is SO stupid, I don't even know where to begin.
If you are referring to the never ending pursuit of inventing newer and more exotic weaponry like this super soldier armor, than yes...it is stupid and then some, because it will for sure start a new arms race among the nations.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 08:53:27 UTC Post #267457
actually I was kinda referring to logical and modern warfare strategy.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 09:39:45 UTC Post #267458
I won't miss american cars if they disappear, bu8 yeah you're right the economic repurcussions would be dire indeed.

And on-topic the whole "super soldier" thing seems kinda pointless to me. If/when we get practical technology to make a super human exoskeleton, why not just make it a robot, and control it like any other drone?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 10:58:51 UTC Post #267459
America is spoiled with too much Hollywood imho. I mean seriously; look at that damn picture ffs! :gak:

But really, there is something so wrong with the constant search in finding superiour military arsenal and other aspects relating to war. Honestly, if this planet isn't worthless in 100 years because we neglect our nature so much, it'll be damaged by the causes of masswars. Human's greed is a bitch.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 11:28:06 UTC Post #267461
Peace on Earth will never happen. You can tell yourself it will someday all you want, but it never will. Not unless some outside intervention came into play.

Researching superior weapons and armor is what will keep us alive. Think about it though, every new weapon leads to a new form of defense, it will go on forever, the human race isn't going to destroy itself through warfare, it will just be locked in warfare for centuries to come.

Also: That gun looks really pathetic, I wouldn't touch that thing even if it shot airsoft pellets.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 12:00:11 UTC Post #267462
As for that armour...all we need are pulse weapons...and they always leave a weakness in the joints, an accurate sniper could easily incapacitate (not kill) most armoured units...
There seems to be no crotch protection whatsoever. Poor bastard. :P
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 12:07:59 UTC Post #267463
So much with the world peace.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 12:25:06 UTC Post #267464
Americuh! FUCK YE-..
Aided by "smart drugs"
.. or wait. Not.

Also, that design doesn't resemble an exoskeleton by a long shot. It's just lumps of plastic embedded in a wool sweater.

On a more serious note, I hear the main trouble in all this exoskeleton business is proving to the absence of an efficient long-life energy source. So far, we may have the iron, yet no way of keeping it powered for an extended amount of time in the field.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 12:48:48 UTC Post #267466
Alright now....I think I'm gonna freak-out some of you here with this crazy stuff I am about to show you all:
If/when we get practical technology to make a super human exoskeleton, why not just make it a robot, and control it like any other drone?
It's been there, and it's been done, just look at these nifty pics: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=military+robots&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=zsEaSt7FNcqPmAer9JDXDA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title

Remember that YouTube video link I gave earlier showing that Japanese exoskeleton demonstration? Well then here's a video of another Japanese invention, a full blown, self articulated, two legged walking humanoid robot! Some of you might have already seen it, it was in the news a while back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHSxKf7oOxA

After seeing that Japanese robot video, ask yourself....What would it be like if a real life robot like that Japanese one, being militarized in to a armed robo-soldier, and thrown in to a conflict might look like? Well, check this video out: http://www.livevideo.com/video/C57EEEEDBA404718B1214CC9C6705BCF/new-military-robot.aspx?lastvcid=217383

Now, pay attention to this: I take it most of you here are familiar with the Imperial Walker from the Star Wars movies, called the "AT-AT" (All Terrain-Armored Transport), right?
User posted image
Keep that image in your head. Now watch this video for any similarities on a new U.S. Army robot called "Big Dog": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1czBcnX1Ww
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 13:16:30 UTC Post #267467
I'm sorry, but this is all bullshit.

These things are nothing but prototypes. The military experiments with all kinds of inane tax-money-wasters that never come close to production, and these are good examples.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 13:57:04 UTC Post #267470
I think I would prefer humans dying in wars rather than robots. Why? Robots doesn't need to be convinced to fight. The one with the best economy would always win a war between robots. In a war between humans however, chances are a little bit higher the morally correct side win (even tho money is still very much involved).
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 14:05:07 UTC Post #267471
The goal of a war is to end up in a better economical position then before the start. Taking into account that tzen tsu's guide to war is still very much up to date and his tactics still being used, id say war isnt going to disappear any time soon nor change radically either.

So, will these weapons have any effect or will they be used big scale? Probably not now digital warfare is on the fast rise in almost any country. Thankfully we still have the MAD principle, Mutually Assured Destruction. Nuke's, H-bomb's. You name it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 15:32:02 UTC Post #267474
These things are nothing but prototypes. The military experiments with all kinds of inane tax-money-wasters that never come close to production, and these are good examples.
Ever heard of the Air Force's Predator drones? It is very real, and very deadly, and yes, some of them are prototypes, but that does not stop them from killing. Here's a photo of one sending a gift to the terrorists:
User posted image
Here's a video taken by the onboard camera of a CIA controlled Predator drone obliterating a group of people (terrorists?): http://gizmodo.com/5078446/what-it-looks-like-when-a-predator-drone-vaporizes-people
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 15:43:12 UTC Post #267478
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 16:14:59 UTC Post #267479
I thought so too.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 17:24:44 UTC Post #267484
Look at all the 40,000 dollar cars people are driving around. Do you really think the military couldn't afford an armored suit for everyone?
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 17:29:16 UTC Post #267485
Not if they use their budget on cars like that.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 18:08:43 UTC Post #267488
Look at all the 40,000 dollar cars people are driving around. Do you really think the military couldn't afford an armored suit for everyone?
I'm assuming you're ignorant to the way economies works?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-25 22:15:17 UTC Post #267499
Tito, drones use a neat combination of technologies discovered ages ago. It's freakin' RC planes with cameras for crying out loud, I'm surprised it took them this long to perfect such an absurdly generic device. Despite what some Japanese robo-dorks may have you believe, they can't even get these legged gadgets to move around reliably without tipping over. Until there's some massive breakthrough with these things, they'll be consigned to the dreams of engineers. They'd be totally overwhelmed in any real combat situation.

The silly HEV suit thing detailed on the first page is a slightly more realistic goal, but even then you have to contend with the massive problems related to equipment durability. Things that sort of work in a clean lab go kaput in minutes in a dusty field.

So eventually, sure. But in 20 years? ...
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 00:25:47 UTC Post #267513
I agree with srry...its just the Military's way to justify spending trillions of dollars on worthless crap that will be 'archived' for possible military use...mostly...you just see improved vehicles come out of militarys spending...not actual new things...we still use the HUMMER for cryin out loud...thats getting close to a decade old.

The fact is we dont need new stuff...they dont need new stuff...they just need more of the stuff...military technology is a good as its gonna get for some time yet...unless we have a major technological advance...
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 00:44:01 UTC Post #267515
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 00:57:03 UTC Post #267516
The HMMWV is actually over two decades old, and still in service. Well designed equipment can outlive its predicted lifespan and go on to be adapted to situations it wasn't even designed for. I think the U.S. military is typically resistant to drastic changes. They've been playing their game a long time now, and they don't have much reason to improve it unless somebody else steps up to the plate with a better technology that they need to match.

Also: Fox News, Fair & Balanced
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 01:52:03 UTC Post #267521
heck, the Americans still use old 60's slicks...
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 04:10:44 UTC Post #267524
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 06:09:05 UTC Post #267525
inb4 ed209 shuts thread downe
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 09:01:02 UTC Post #267526
We are all stupid. Or maybe not, because we can't do nothing about this, only the guys ruling the world.
It's 21th century, and we're still talking about wars on earth. Think about this : aliens exists, and an encounter anywhere in the future is inevitable.

Wars should exist between planets, solar systems( on higher scale, I'm referring). Of course, not now, but in the future. Oh, and developing and testing nuclear weaponry on earth is fucking stupidity.
Nuclear power should only be used in power plants.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 10:12:56 UTC Post #267527
I vote The_(c)Striker for world president.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 10:36:16 UTC Post #267528
Oh, and developing and testing nuclear weaponry on earth is fucking stupidity. Nuclear power should only be used in power plants.
Unfortunately, this is like giving your ten year old a Veyron and expecting him not to speed.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 12:17:51 UTC Post #267529
Hey, some people in the government, media and a few other groups blame violent video games (FPS) for today's violence in society. And some of these same "watchdogs" go even further as to say many of today's young soldiers are even more aggressive and less humane all because of the growing influence of violent video games in their lives, thus causing wars to be all the more crazier in the battlefield.

Now, if you ask me, which I did personally see some combat in the first gulf war, think this line of thinking is bullshit. All this pointing the finger at video games and movies is just passing the buck to something else. Now, I do admit there are some weak minded and emotionally disturbed individuals out there that should stay away from violent games, like those morons who committed the Columbine high school killings.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 13:33:50 UTC Post #267530
The Columbine students were bullied and deeply mentally disturbed, you can't say their playing Doom led them to kill the students. You try spending 4 years having every part of your life criticized and shit on for 7 hours a day 5 days week. Calling them morons is unnecessary, thats like calling a depressed person weak, while their decisions/actions were poor its not entirely their fault.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 14:21:40 UTC Post #267531
@ naserve:

Okay then, for argument sake, I will take the moron label back. And yes, let's say they were victimize through bullying that lead them to their depression. Now what? Does that clear them of their actions? You say that I spend 4 years having every part of your life criticized and shit on for 7 hours a day 5 days week. Well, I can do better: try having to go to an urban high school infested with street gangs, some armed to the teeth, and on occasion being menaced with death, all because you don't pay them their weekly "tax".

I have no less than 7 trips to the hospital for bad wounds suffered during school fights, some with knives, when trying to defend myself from unprovoked attacks during my 3 years in high school. Did I get depressed? Yes, a bit. Did I go crazy and go on a shooting spree? Hell no. I could have if I wanted too, I had easy access to guns at the time from certain family members.

Yep, those were my happy years at high school in sunny San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oh, that's not the end of it, oh no! Ever heard of a little campaign called Operation Desert Storm? That's right, I was in it. My high school years were nothing compared to the shit I went through during Desert Storm. Did I get depressed and bitter when I got out of the military? A bit. Did I kill any one afterwards as a civilian? No. Why?

Because even though I went through bouts of depression at times after the war, and had some people spit at my face for going to war in the first place, I still never went crazy, all because I was not weak minded. Not everybody can claim this, especially those Columbine shooters.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 14:48:13 UTC Post #267532
You drank Gasolina.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 14:48:42 UTC Post #267533
Tito, that may be something to do with the fact that everyobody was suffering just as much as you. The guys at Columbine were complete outcasts, and they saw it as being forced lower than everyone else, for no good reason, but in the army at least you know that you're not the only one, and that what's happening is for a reason.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
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