Custom Textures Source not showing up Created 15 years ago2009-09-07 13:38:22 UTC by wo wo

Created 15 years ago2009-09-07 13:38:22 UTC by wo wo

Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 13:38:22 UTC Post #273036

This is for CounterStrike Source

I have made a map, and have made a number of custom textures for it. I followed the tutorial on this site, and they worked, that is, when I run the map they show up and all my material stuff works like a charm.

The problem is, when I run the map on a local area network in order to test it out with multiple people, the textures do not show up on other machines, that is, while the .BSP is downloaded, the textures are just the purple checkerboard.

I assume that the texture data is not being put inside the .BSP, but I've never actually had to download textures for a custom map before...

I've tried using that packrat thing but the tutorials for it don't actually line up with what the program actually does, and it didn't work.

What do I do in order for the custom textures to work on another machine, and making a .res doesn't seem to be viable as I've never had to do it for any other custom map.

Thank you.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 14:17:31 UTC Post #273037
I don't know how res iles work with source, but bsp packing is a lot more reliable if you figure out how to do it[imo, of course].

Pakrat's website has a good video how-to, if you haven't seen it. The Valve wiki page for Pakrat doesn't explain anything about Pakrat, but it's pretty straightfoward. As to what it does, it literally scans a bsp for materials used and takes matching materials from your game folder and packs them into the bsp.

Edit: Res file tutorial for Source:
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 14:27:00 UTC Post #273038
Alternatively, you could distibute the materials with the map, just include all the pathways from the root folder.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 15:14:22 UTC Post #273040
Are you freakin kidding me, JeffMOD? We're talking Source here, not Goldsource. Texture/material files for Source can be pretty big. It depends on the compression being used, but still, you definitely don't want to distribute any custom content with the map. Its make the overal download even bigger.

You should always include custom content into the BSP, no matter what.

So yeah, use Pakrat or Map Analyst, its what i use.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 15:52:40 UTC Post #273042
Let me be more specific then:

I am trying to put the correct files into the .BSP

I have the Pakrat program you have suggested.

What I did, I ran the program, opened the .BSP, added the all the .vtfs and the .vmts. There is a check box under IN that is checked for all of these files. I saved the file.

When I give the .BSP to another person, the textures do not show up.

They show up fine on my pc.

I even went into counterstrikesource/cstrike/materials and removed all the custom textures I had there, and the textures still show up fine on my computer.

Let me ask a specific question: When my map runs, where is it looking for the textures?

thank you all for attempting to help me, I hope this problem is resolved, I'm a little frustrated because it makes no damned sense...
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:07:22 UTC Post #273043
here's a pretty picture, if your site will post it, of what Pakrat looks like after I do a scan.

I love how your tutorial on this site will get the textures to work on my computer, but leaves no mention to how to make a map work on someone else's computer, I really think you need to revise that.

User posted image

Thank you all for trying to help me out here...
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:07:41 UTC Post #273044
Are you freakin kidding me, JeffMOD? We're talking Source here, not Goldsource.
I know that.
Texture/material files for Source can be pretty big.
I did not know that, however.
I'm sorry, I cannot be of any help wih pakrat, wo. I hope the others can get this fixed for you.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:10:05 UTC Post #273045
oh for crying out loud, now I made it too small and I can't edit it...

User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:23:42 UTC Post #273048
No need to resize your screenshot. Upload the full size picture and link to it here, a thumpnail image is automatically created.

Never used PakRat, maybe you can try Map Analyst (link in my previous post), it works great for me.

JeffMOD: Is ok.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 20:41:34 UTC Post #273064
I just sucked it up and wrote a .res file...

I'm kinda upset I couldn't get this to work, but my .res file works fine, just a little annoying to have tons of textures in a folder somewhere...
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