I see everyone has started to upgrade all the avatars. I know certain people do this regularly but I have noticed that everyone is changing.


rimrook: dude....I really kinda identify you with the old avatar. I know it's not christmas anymore but i can not get used to that new avatar. lol

atom: that pic is a little scary for some reason. like you are watching me.

soup: gotta love soup but i was starting to think you were a girl. I checked and all is good. sorry for the confusion. lol

and hey, i have been here for a minute. can I get a little change on my name? People actually call me Dunivan. My name is Kendall Dunivan. Don't even start--I had enough of that in school--yes, I am a guy. But, I would like to change my login name from kdunivan to dunivan so people here can refer to me in the right way. And no, I don't do ficticious names anymore--people call me dunivan. I used to have some good ones but they are all gay now and I don't use them.

Ok, here's a good laugh for ya! Queststar was my old D&D name. I think I used Cutter and Grog too. Grog is not bad but I am not a big person so I couldn't use that anymore. Cutter is simply gay along with Queststar. couldn't ever figure out why people laughed but now i do. Laugh on!

Who do I see about the name change?