Mapping help needed: Source Created 11 years ago2013-08-12 19:33:56 UTC by Ghost129er Ghost129er

Created 11 years ago2013-08-12 19:33:56 UTC by Ghost129er Ghost129er

Posted 11 years ago2013-08-12 19:33:56 UTC Post #314860
Hello peeps,

I want to make something, specifically a plane for Source games, it need to be controled via WSAD (movement) and some other possible controls as shoot or something to change speed. How can I do this? What entities or stuff do I need? Haven't done this ever, gonna be a first time project for my Story of my life map.

Thanks in advance!
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-12 20:10:47 UTC Post #314861
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-13 11:38:47 UTC Post #314872

Those are the three main items i think. Also, from reading your shout, I"m not sure if you can specifically read the "+" and "-" buttons... But it's been a while since I used these.

Linking them together can be a pain. Just a fair warning - the player doesn't like being inside a fast moving moving object. You will probably get thrown out of the plane to your death.

Might i recommend a "enter" and "exit" function:
Enter - "use" the plane, activate a point_viewcontrol so the player's view is locked to the plane (you can even read keyboard/mouse commands to cycle cameras if you wish)
Exit: By parenting a point_teleport to the plane on a certain side, whenever you "exit" the plane, you're just teleporting the player to this spot outside the plane.

So when you're riding the plane, the player is standing.. somewhere else in order to avoid gravitational catastrophe

BTW I've made a rudimentary player controlled flying plane before.
I can send you the map, but I'm at work for the next 8 hours so I'm of no help until after that.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-13 13:33:16 UTC Post #314874
Tet: Would like to see it! :)

Thanks for help so far y'all! This is gonna be a battle of the pacific map, Aka Japs VS Americans! F6F Hellcats vs A6M5 "Zeke"s (Or Zero Fighters.)
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-13 13:35:29 UTC Post #314875
Just so you know.. Its going to take a LOT of tweaking to get the flight mechanics to even feel "ok".

Source isn't meant to do this without code and the phys_thrusters are clumsy at best to work with.

My first recommendations though

2 reverse facing thrusters - one under each wing - these will push you forward
2 thrusters mounted on the tail to push the tail up or down (for climbing/diving)
1 thruster on each wing tip for roll

I think i checked the "Ignore mass" and "Ignore Torque" flags
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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