I've got two problems:
First, it seems that cubemaps don't work anymore. I mean, they seem to be building right, but nothing changes once I get back in the map. Impulse 81 and the crossbow are pitch black.
Second, how do I correctly use a logic_multicompare? Currently, I've got 2 buttons that have the following outputs:
OnPressed -> (name of logic_multicompare) -> InputValue -> 1 (parameter override of)
OnPressed -> (name of logic_multicompare) -> CompareValues( with 0.5 delay)
logic_multicompare has the following keyvalues:
Integer Value: 1
Should use integer value: Yes
I've got several outputs OnEqual in the multicompare.
The problem is that it fires them after the first button is pressed. They should fire only when the 2 of them are pressed (like a multisource in hl1).