A Story I Made Created 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:30:48 UTC by davideo59 davideo59

Created 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:30:48 UTC by davideo59 davideo59

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:30:48 UTC Post #49939
Well I know most people won't even bother reading this but its a story I wrote and I wanted to know if anyone liked it. Grammer is probably terrible and I don't know about spelling. Formatting is screwed up because I copied it from notepad.

[b]The Freak Effect : Davideo59
I was all alone in my house at night. For the first time I had been left alone so that my parents could go to a wedding that was a state away for one day. I was getting tired around eleven at night for some reason, normally I would be staying up late, playing some game on my computer. The air conditioning was humming busily, cooling off my house. The TV was on but I wasn't paying attention to it.
I almost fell over and had a heart attack when the TV started to beep because of an emergency weather alert. My dog, Misty, came up stairs when she heard me shout at the noise of the TV. Well I had had about enefough of that so I just turned off the TV.
My exaustion finally took over me, and I just closed everything that I was doing on my computer. I took my contact's out, turned on my lamp and turned off the room light. Misty layed down at the end of my bed facing the window and put her head down knowing I was about to go to sleep.
I closed my eyes forgeting to turn off my desk lamp. Dreams clouded my mind as a slept. I started off in my imaginary first day of high school, and ended up in some movie I saw two weeks ago. Around three in the morning I woke up, according to my watch, the cause I thought to be a bad dream. At first I lied awake for a while, looking at the pillow on the other side of my bed.
All was silent, not a noise in my house. I was very tired yet very awake, my senses at their fullest. All the lights in the house were dark, sleeping.
I couldn't go to sleep even though I was tired. Rain drops slowly started
dropping, beating my roof down. Faster and faster, until I heard a boom, which caused my house to shake. All of a sudden everything was flashing, boom, flash, boom, more flash's. Then it all stopped, nothing left accept for a slight "pitter patter" of rain against my roof.
Misty's head shot up, frozen, looking at my window. Everything was dark, I could not see anything out there. My heart froze, a single flash of lightning revealed a figure outside my window, watching. My dog sat there looking out that window for another few seconds, it seemed like hours. Finally her head went down and she fell back to sleep. I was more awake now, I began to think about things, what happened and such.
I never turned my light off, and I didn't lose power. The clock on my alarm clock was still on, it shouldn't be. There should be the noise of an air conditioner, there isn't. Soon the rain stopped, and I glanced at my watch again, 3:00 am.
Sleepyness took over me, and I feel asleep once again, when I woke up it was 8:00 am. My light was on in my room, and the air conditioner was once
again running. I slipped on my shoes and went down stairs to get something to eat. On the way down I remembered what happened, and almost hit my head on the ceiling. I went to our back door, and opened it expecting to see a flooded epatio like normal after a storm, not a drop remained.
I went to the grass and felt it, nothing, the dirt was so dry there were cracks in it. Finally I looked up at the tree that my window looked out at. There was nothing. Deciding there was nothing, I started walking in. Out of the 
corner of my eye I spotted a black feather, with a red emblem on it.
... To be continued ... [/b]
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:32:35 UTC Post #49941
err.. it's and
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:32:48 UTC Post #49942
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:33:22 UTC Post #49943
oh that turned out bold sorry it's [*b*] and [/b*]

without the *
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:37:40 UTC Post #49945
hmmm i'm left with questions, i want to see more! more!

i wanna know what the feather was for!
why the ground wasn't wet!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:39:07 UTC Post #49946
Cool story, check out mine.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:44:02 UTC Post #49948
lol wow i got all of these like 5 minutes after I posted. Well the point was to leave questions and if people liked it I was going to make a longer, better sequal. I just wanted to see how people would react to it first. Coolfat, where is urs?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:47:01 UTC Post #49951
Was that a true story?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:56:46 UTC Post #49955

me davideo and coolfat all have 9 as the last number in their name!!
and we all have wrote a story in a row, it's like 9,9,9

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 22:06:51 UTC Post #49960
Well, I must have started a trend cuz within the next few minutes 2 other people posted a story. No it wasn't a true story, but lets just say the setting was right for something like that to happen, its preety much me in the story but its not real. Over the next couple nights I am going to try and work on a better sequel to this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 03:24:40 UTC Post #50021
I should really get round to writing that detective story...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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