Competition Ideas... Created 20 years ago2004-08-22 16:55:05 UTC by Floater619 Floater619

Created 20 years ago2004-08-22 16:55:05 UTC by Floater619 Floater619

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 16:55:05 UTC Post #52928
Does anybody have any competition ideas??
because the first compo is over on my site, and i'm starting a new one, so any ideas? -the winner of the last compo was Wrangler249, so he is the judge of this compo, if you win this compo, you will be the judge of the next, and so on..

any ideas?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 16:56:31 UTC Post #52929
errr. i meant second judge, me and wrangler are judgin entries for this compo.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 17:15:06 UTC Post #52931
I got one: make a map that is crap. Well, you could enter and win instantly.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 17:19:11 UTC Post #52932
You might make one about "re-create a game scene" and make it where you have to do one, but it CANT be a scene from half-life. It has to be something from a game that doesnt use the HL engine.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 17:58:29 UTC Post #52940
mop- i am the judge, i cant enter my own competition! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 18:19:05 UTC Post #52945
How about horror? Scariest map contest. :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 18:20:36 UTC Post #52946
hmmmm.... sounds pretty good.

make a scary map, that will make you shit your pants!!

sounds good, look for the next compo to be a horor map contest!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 18:29:14 UTC Post #52947
I've been wanting that to be a TWHL compo since I joined. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 18:32:20 UTC Post #52948
alright then, the next competition at my site is:

The Horror!!


Has to be a map for Half-Life (no spirit!)
Custom stuff can be included (textures, models, sounds etc.)

How to enter:

I'll post a thread on twhl, i'll give the link, and tell me if your entering,

more information will be at my site and on that thread!!
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