Education Created 19 years ago2004-10-29 11:13:49 UTC by davideo59 davideo59

Created 19 years ago2004-10-29 11:13:49 UTC by davideo59 davideo59

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 11:13:49 UTC Post #70418
The values of an educaton has been a topic discussed many times with a great deal of zest. The value is often measured in terms of costs and benefits to the taxpayer. It is also judged in terms of changes in the individuals taking part in the educational process. Gains in the level of knowledge, the developement and refinement of attitudes, and the acquiring of skills are believed to be crucial parts of an education.
Education is a never-ending process.  A person is exposed to formal and informal education throughout his or her life. Formal learning takes place in a structured situation such as a school or a college.  Informal learning occurs from the expierence gained from daily living.  We are constantly educated from all the types of media with which we come in contact each day as well as by each person with whom we exchange ideas.
              [i] Fully Typed by Davideo59 [/i]
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 13:23:40 UTC Post #70454
True, but some interpersonal relationships are a reverse, whereby you become the teacher.
So throughout out lives we are gaining and passing on our knowledge, whether it's how to kill and skin a gazelle, or how to program a video player.
This said, it is worth noting that there is no way you could ever pass on all the knowledge you have aqcuired. We take in so much information each day, and only so little of it is actually processed by ourselves actually analysing the data and putting it into categories or updating old data we happen to have on a subject.
I believe this goes some way to explaining Mans need to discover, explore, and invent; we are compelled to harness all that we can, in any way that we can.

Imagine we all devolved a couple of rungs down the ladder, would we stop developing, or would we continue to learn, and build ourselves up.
I think this is an interesting point, as surely we haven't stopped evolving, yet there are no significant visible changes taking place.
Does this mean we have grown lazy in our hunger for knowledge? If this is the case I find it hard to believe that the Human Race will be prepared for any major environmental changes. We are living in a stagnant period in our existance, things appear to change, and grow, but as animals, we aren't making any major steps towards another phase of our evolution.
Computers have been heralded as a major innovation since their conception; this, while true to some extent, is simply another form of a "tool" like the kinds used by our ancestors. We have, in our own age, re-created fire. And yet we use this 'fire' for the wrong gains, we task it to perform actions that make our lives easier, and at the same time make us lazy, what do we learn from teh internet for example, we learn what other people tell us. There is no way to verify the information, yet we subconsciously absorb it daily, and who knows how much of it is actually over-writing true facts.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 13:30:24 UTC Post #70456
good point PaLO
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 14:12:40 UTC Post #70465
I think most things people class as learning isn't actually learning, but remembering.
Learning, to me, is things like maths where you hear something, then actually put it to use, like adding prices in shops, where as most things are just remembering the things you have been told.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 16:46:30 UTC Post #70489
Most things i learn i will never use. Such as different ways to do eqautions. So?

I mean, g_kid is right. Remebering is basically what my teachers call learning when really, i will never use such knowledge. Learning, like what g kid said, is when you remember something that you will use in future life.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 04:13:12 UTC Post #70560
Ah but this is a case of storing the information into all the different sub-sections of our brain, most of the things we 'remembered' is still there, it's just so old that we have trouble accessing it accurately.

The "learning" we do at school is twofold, we learn things like math, english, science, things that actually help us later in life, other things however, including maths english and science, contain infortmation that we are simply expected to consume, recall, and regurgetate on exam day, and once we have taken the test, we pretty much forget 80% of it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 08:36:12 UTC Post #70590
Passing on knowledge is one thing, but what about the person your passing it to actually understanding it? i could easily tell a random person "setting a func_wall's rendermode to "solid" and renderamount to "255" the engine would render it as invisible", but a certian amount of knowledge is required to even begin to understand what any of it means. if we were to start recording everything we have learned from the very beginning of our lives, by the time we die we still wouldnt have a record of absolutely everything, because these things in our lives are happening so fast it would be impossible to notice them happening and have our brains process the information it gives us. as i'm typing this, im not noting the exact movements made by my fingers, or how far down the keys on the keyboard actually go down when i press them. this just shows that learning is really about finding out the critical information and putting it aside from the pointless trivia that covers it.

this is probably complete bullshit induced by all the chocolate cookies ive been eating, but i took a long time to write it, and you should be reading it!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 09:04:59 UTC Post #70592
"setting a func_wall's rendermode to "solid" and renderamount to "255" the engine would render it as invisible"
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 09:39:03 UTC Post #70596
hello? bullshit induced by chocolate cookies? it would have helped to have hammer open when i did that too.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 09:58:31 UTC Post #70608
wow, ministeve was wasted.

Thats true, if you dont actually use the knowledge ever, you never really get to know it. Hence me saying ill never use different ways to solve fractions.

And ill take a cookie. :)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 09:51:56 UTC Post #70763
Education = Conditioning/Indoctrinating/Forcing the values of the so-called 'norm'.

Those who later qualify in the form of a degree have actually been awarded for their co-operation with the system. This is a great way to make sure that people stay in fll co-operation in the hope of achieving it's 'benefits'.

I am studying for my degree currently, and finding it bloody hard to cope.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 22:27:51 UTC Post #70853
LA is the most bogus crap ever. All they do is teach it to us, so that people can re-teach it to other people. BTW, I just copied that out of a book just to type it lol, I had no meaining by it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-01 07:15:50 UTC Post #70897
Anyway lol, I think Ministeve made the most interesting point, and one I'm annoyed I didn't think of :D

We only "learn" what we need to at the time. We probably receive a colossal amount of information everyday, and some of it would be useful to use later in life, or even later that day; but seeing as we don't know we need to learn, or even file it away in a corner of our brains, the information is just lost.
Is this because we only use 10% of our brains? Or is our method of learning/storing information flawed.
Think about how long it takes a child to grow up and be classified as an adult, the law says 18. but for a child to survive on its own, with no help fro man adult, children as young as 5 or 6 have been confirmed homeless and living on the streets.
An average we could say of 10 years old.
We as animals, take a long time from birth to reach adulthood.

This, in my opinion, means that we are slowing down evolution-wise, and our learning methods are possibly flawed.

What can we do about this?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-01 17:23:29 UTC Post #71004
Try to use the information we learn. i guess. Thats kind of hard though.

Language Arts is bogus, indeed.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-01 17:34:39 UTC Post #71013
The law is a bunch of crap in that area. I know at my age that I could survive on my own knowing what I know. People used to be conisdered adults at age 12 because they did not live as long, they would be getting married then. Thats an interesting proposal that the system of intake to our brains is flawed.
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