Latest Weird Dream Created 19 years ago2004-12-18 13:38:50 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 19 years ago2004-12-18 13:38:50 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 13:38:50 UTC Post #78981
Frightening Dream

I had a very strange dream that seemed to constantly change.

My cousin, his friend and myself decided to go rob a supermarket with a white transit van. We rushed into the store grabbed anything we could and calmly walked out. I remember picking up a Sara Lee double chocolate gateau, a Sara Lee blackcurrant gateau, and some other gateau I don?t remember.

We dashed out into the car park and drove away with the ?goods? in the white transit van. The dream somehow morphed into a scene where I was climbing up a steep sand dune along with several other people from my art college. My art teacher, Barbara walker was leading in front. My progress kept being hindered by various menial tasks I was asked to do. There were three people who I absolutely detested that seemed to be reminiscent of these three people in waking life I can?t stand. They were constantly joking around and making insulting gestures behind people?s backs. I thought about elbowing one of them in the face when he was off-guard. I never did though. I was suddenly told to jump off the edge of this steep hill where a muddy waterfall was situated. I jumped and fell right into this horrible pool of stagnant water. I went down really deep because of the height I had fallen.

Later, I recall being in some kind of military camp with lots of army tents. I was staying there for some time, and I recall seeing lots of other people also there for a long period of time. Whether I was with my cousin and his friend or not is unclear.

I heard a noise of aircraft approaching, and I remember someone yelling it was a low-flying plane of some sort. It turned out to be a transport plane. The plane landed and out of the door came loads of soldiers running around chaotically. To my horror they each had an orange ?Guantanamo Bay? style jumpsuit that was to be issued to everyone in the camp. I was horrified. I ran away as fast as I could, holding the three gateaux?s I stole earlier on for survival. When I turned my head, a man wearing a white clean suit pointed at me as if to tell the guards. I ran into an adjacent forest without stopping for a rest. I remember completely scared witless when I realised that they might try and hunt me down with dogs.

Without any rational explanation, I came across some kind of round object partially buried in the ground. I abruptly entered the object without understanding how. I felt safe, but there was still a possibility that they could locate the object and try to enter it, I thought. The paranoia quickly wore off, and for once I felt completely detached from this whole predicament. Although I cannot recall the occupants of the sphere, I do however remember communicating with them. I am pretty sure there was a dog of some kind lying down. [Dream faded away from here. I cannot remember much of what might of happened next]
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 15:02:06 UTC Post #78986
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 15:38:01 UTC Post #78990
Thats too long. I didn't read
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 15:44:12 UTC Post #78991
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 15:45:42 UTC Post #78992
I read, pretty weird. And this is a reoccurring dream? I got a reoccuring dream, not freaky, just weird. I used to have it like, every two months, but I haven't had that dream in a long time... I'll post it later.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-19 10:25:11 UTC Post #79092
One of the dreams I had, I seem to remember best... even though it was a long time ago... I came home one day, only to find some cops/feds (don't remember exactly) snooping around. One of them (a tubby, black one with a flashlight in his hand) pointed at me and shouted something out loud, then I started running to the top of the building (15 stories) and I don't know why, but I preferred to use the stairs... So I went up to the very rooftop, and I said to myself "Oh, man, I'm sick of being in this dream, I wanna wake up" and then I jumped off of the roof and just before I hit the ground, I woke up.
Maybe not THE weirdest dream I've had, just the one I remember best....
I remember also having a dream, where I needed to take a leak, but there were no "working" toilets in the entire town... and everytime I tried to piss behind the bushes or someplace similar, there would be these two environmental protectors (both dressed up like mobsters from the first Godfather movie... don't ask why.. I don't really know) and they'd tell me how I'd be harming the poor bushes, and how they'd whack me if I pissed there....
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 04:15:28 UTC Post #79289
I can't seem to remember my dream yesterday... oh wait, I remember! I was some wierd kinda mountie with a friend o' mine at college and we kept evacuating this school in a fire drill. There kept being some old man who we had to get out who was lost and then he kept running off and getting robbed by zany bandits, and then we had wierd-ass old-fashioned guns and we were chasin' after them.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 10:56:55 UTC Post #79313
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-24 18:03:53 UTC Post #79641
Lol, Seventh. I get recurring dreams occasionally...a couple of years ago (I was 12), I dreamed something from when I was about five again! It's quite scary, but it helps you to make more sense of your dreams.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-25 14:27:14 UTC Post #79666
You think your dreams are weird.
My dreams are crazy, they dont even make sence.
A few i remember:
1, I was in a car and then i drove it off a cliff and then i landain near to face shapped fountains with strings hanging out of them. i grabbed onto one and i was pulled inside, i ended up in my primary school.
2, I was in some sort of high speed motor bike race, whena big planet came really close to earth and i died. Interesting bit is that i didn't wake up when i died, i went to heaven. Heaven was really boring, there was astone walls, a hole that lead to this land with giants, there was also kfc shop that looked like an ATM. i asked god (In person) how do i get out of here? He said that i need to find some wine thing that he hid. I couldnt be bothered so i just went into a room with bunk beds and then woke up? weird eh?

And hey isnt weird how dreams change into other dreams?
AND does anybody here get this weird feeling, Your about to go to sleep and you start falling but then you jolt up and your fully awake? weird eh. BTW these dreams are interesting to read, I wouldn't mind reading some more. :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-26 08:44:51 UTC Post #79735
Dreams never DO make sense, mcmitcho. I read somewhere that they're to help clear your mind of stuff that shouldn't be there.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 09:35:48 UTC Post #80547
PS2's pad @ GTA = <3
Keyboard @ GTA = :(
PS2's graphics = SUCKSSS
PC's graphics = better
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 09:37:36 UTC Post #80549
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 16:29:43 UTC Post #80641
I never dream because I never sleep...
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 18:52:40 UTC Post #80666
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 14:06:06 UTC Post #81120
Love ya av.
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