Suspension Created 19 years ago2005-02-22 05:25:30 UTC by blackravent blackravent

Created 19 years ago2005-02-22 05:25:30 UTC by blackravent blackravent

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 05:25:30 UTC Post #92500
How would I go about hanging an object in mid air and creating a sort of gravity gun light thing as if its holding it up?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 13:27:45 UTC Post #92572
Do you want to be able to pick this object up or is it going to remain stationary?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 13:42:22 UTC Post #92577
Im happy to have it stationary (staying still vibrating) but if I could pick it up also would be good.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 13:51:43 UTC Post #92580
a little invisible box supporting it ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 13:58:15 UTC Post #92582
Use a physics constraint and tie the object to something thats invisable (maybe a func wall, clear unbreakable glass, im not sure if the nodraw texture would work). Place some sort of sprite to make it look like energy from the gravity gun above, below or whatever. maybe you could make your invisable stand rotate very slowly to give the ilusion of suspension.

If your wanting to do this with some entity like a gun or a monster I have no idea.

If it sounds like I have no idea what im talking about, I dont. but thats the first thing I would try.
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