CCN Report Says No Plane Hit Pentagon Created 19 years ago2005-02-25 14:00:39 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 19 years ago2005-02-25 14:00:39 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 12:07:36 UTC Post #94752
All of what you said is indeed very true and can be proven. Also, what about the Pakistani ISI who helped mastermind the planned 'hijack'? It is a well known fact that the Pakistano ISI owes it's existence to the CIA for christ sake!

Here's a good question: What would happen to the reliablitity and trust of the Government, particulary the Bush Administration, if in the light of all of the evidence emerging, the truth came out that there was a huge cover-up?

The truth is, the biggest terrorists in any case are our own Government. The fact is, America and Britain currently have stockpiles of nuclear weaponry, you might think that that would be considered to be 'harbouring weapons of mass destruction'. And it is these nuclear arms that eventually get sold to alot of 'enemy' countries. It's absurd.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 12:22:29 UTC Post #94760
Indeed. I love the way we've simply assumed that because we're not too keen on using the nukes that we're somehow more morally justified in having them. Slips people's minds that we use them as a threat day after day.

I mean, after all is said and done, the Western world have been meddling in the Middle East and Africa for centuries. I think it's about time they had some freedoms of their own.
I've heard the arguement that these people are uncivilised and there'll always be war because it's all they know; but at the end of the day.. who's been selling them these weapons? Who's been funding their efforts to overthrow governments?

It's the West, we being so much more morally just and righteous :|

The problem is money, everything has turned capitalist, and peopel seem to love the printed money more than what it represents: a system of bertering for goods, made to make our lives easier and more efficient.

However, we've since used that time to try and kill each other again and again.

I can't be arsed to type any more. I'm sick of war and I'm sick of the Americans choices in leaders.

In fact, it's the scare-mongering media filling citizens minds with fear and terror.

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 12:30:56 UTC Post #94767
You want to see the American propoganda tools they are using over in Iraq. They have all the American trash soap operas etc reality tv programs portraying 'torture' as good.

I mean, over here, and I heard this prior to it coming on channel 4 on the Alex Jones show, this 'reality tv' program called 'The Guantanamo Guidbook' in which contestants have to 'endure' the type of torture methods used in Guantanamo on 'enemy combatants'. Of course they wont endure the worst type of torture and utterly appauling humiliation.

So yeah. Mainstream media is now selling everyone the idea that 'torture is good'. But that's OK, we are a christian country, just like America, 'Thou shalt not kill, Love Thy Neighbour As Thy Self', oh well, I guess we can just ignore those commandments and still call ourselves christians...

Make's me sick.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 12:53:30 UTC Post #94788
Well, these "Islamic" fundementalists are using the name of Allah/God to promote their war on the West. And Islam is even stricter than Christianity when it comes to equality and human rights.

Although I think 'The Wombles go Wombling' is probably more dedicated to equality and human rights than the bible.

I watched that program on C4, it was pretty good, they obviously didn't torture the volunteers, but they did give them (and us I hope) something to think of, and I hope it wasn't just a grab for ratings using the plight of the victims in those camps as material.

I mean, what can you really get from torture anyway?
Anything you want.

Should make it easier to cover up their lies about the war huh?
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