Story 5/Multiple Choice Story Created 19 years ago2005-03-25 23:52:09 UTC by dandyli0n` dandyli0n`

Created 19 years ago2005-03-25 23:52:09 UTC by dandyli0n` dandyli0n`

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 23:52:09 UTC Post #99122
Like all of the other story threads except with a twist: you have choices.
How it goes:
1. Put in the choice you follow.
2. Continue the story from your choice.
3. Include AT LEAST 4 choices. You can have 5, you can have 8, you can have 25 (actually, don't), but you can't have 3. And at least 4 includes 4.

-Make sure you are actually posting a response to the MOST CURRENT POST. That means make sure nobody posted while you were typing.
-Keep it on topic. Don't make the story be whacking a headcrab and then suddenly operating a toaster.
-Please, use the choices given, not a choice K or something. Use the ones provided. If you don't like the choices, then wait for someone to post the new choices and go after that.
-Don't end it. Make it never-ending so it can be cool :P
-Please, try to post content that is only appropriate for most audiences.
-Make things make sense. Make things have a reason.
-Don't make your section too short or too long. Just make it about 5-10 lines when you are typing your story, I guess.

Here it goes.

You wake up out of nowhere. You don't remember anything before becoming unconscience since you were knocked out cold for a long time. Well, forget about that, all you're thinking about is remembering what actually happened and how to get out. You start by walking down a hall. When you reach the end, you enter a room with an open window and a table. On the table, you see two manuals and a computer. Outside, you see a ton of snow and some nearby houses.

Your choices:
A. Read the first manual.
B. Read the second manual.
C. Turn on the computer.
D. Jump out of the snow.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 23:53:39 UTC Post #99123
(wait, okay this is the only exception...I wasn't thinking too well while writing the choices :nuts: )

Choice D is supposed to be "D. Jump out of the window into the snow."
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-26 00:52:27 UTC Post #99131
This is stupid. THe stories have been going on long enough.

And its only 1 story per period.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-26 06:17:05 UTC Post #99151
Exactly. Plus, Urbanebulamajig is already doing a multiple choice one :|.

Maybe restart this after number four is finished.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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