Hello. I'm a new cs:source mapper, and of course i have many questions about the entire process. Tutorials from web sites such as this are always a great help. However, I still want some one on one help from an experienced mapper, who can answer questions and perhaps walk me through a few things. I'm looking to have someone join my ventrilo server in their spare time, perhaps when they are mapping as well, and perhaps lend a helping hand by answering some questions i have as i'm creating my map. I'm no artistic genius, but I do believe if it's worth doing it's worth doing right. I got into mapping for fun, and as an exscuse to learn Maya 6 as well. I'm NOT annoying, and I wont try to take up too much of your time. I can offer access to a great FTP server, and I can more than likely host your maps for download if you so desire. (this is on a t3 connect). BTW, if you are under 18, or are offended easily by swearing, this probably isnt the ventrilo server for you

Anyhow, if you are someone who spends a good deal of time mapping, wouldnt mind logging onto ventrilo while you do so, and is open to some questions, please post back with a way to contact you and I will be sure to do so! Emailing me at
aboleth@hotmail.com is also fine, just make sure you post here telling me you did, as i get lots of junk in there
