Hammer Entity tool doesn't work Created 19 years ago2006-01-24 10:25:05 UTC by SickMothaFucker SickMothaFucker

Created 19 years ago2006-01-24 10:25:05 UTC by SickMothaFucker SickMothaFucker

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 10:25:05 UTC Post #159336
Hey, my hammer entity tool desn't work!! When I click on a new entitiy and then to choose from class and nothing appears - empty list. Also the Flags tab is empty??? Tryed to reinstall Hammer 3.4 and doesn't change....

HELP!!! :aggrieved:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 10:56:27 UTC Post #159340
After choosing the kind of entity you want to place, press on a block in the camera view and it will be created, or click on one of the 2D views to create a green small block(only seen in 2D view). Move the block around in all the 2D views to the place you want it to be in, after placing it press enter to create the entity where the green block is. :) If you want to know it properties choose the select tool are choose the newly created entity, press alt+enter and the entity properties window will popup.

If you don't have any entities in your list then in the tool menu->option->game configurations include a fgd file.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 11:22:51 UTC Post #159345
You might not be using a correct FGD. Read the introduction tutorial through and through.

No FGD will give hammer no information about which entities are available, and will therefore not show any entities at all.
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