Dark side of a door Created 21 years ago2004-01-04 17:26:23 UTC by leong2 leong2

Created 21 years ago2004-01-04 17:26:23 UTC by leong2 leong2

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-04 17:26:23 UTC Post #10594
In my map i have some sort of cabinet with a door (rotating) in a room with light. The 'outside' of the cabinet is normal, but the 'inside' (= part of the door-brush that faces into the cabinet) is black, even when i open the cabinet door, which opens outwards, so light should fall upon the 'dark side'.
Anyone know a solution to this?

PS: I hope my description of my cabinet makes sense :confused:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-04 17:40:00 UTC Post #10595
Hmmm... Rotating and moving stuff get lightning just once: when compiling. The lights in HL aren?t dinamic: so light won?t be cast on a side that is dark when compiling, I mean, if the inside of the cabinet is dark so will be the inside part of the door and so will be when you move it. There?s a solution to this: put a light inside the cabinet and the inside part of the door will be lit. There is also a Light Origin Target field in the door?s properties that, I think, is used to give a different light to the door than the one that its given from the start. I don?t know how to use it and I may be wrong, just ask :).
PS: Guile could beat Ken easily :P.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-04 17:40:55 UTC Post #10596
There is no way. If you make a func train and put it in a room with a light, then make it move into a dark room, the light of where the light in the first room shines on it will still be there. A glitch.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 05:50:25 UTC Post #10722
not a glitch brattylord... just lack of dynamic programming... keep in mind HL is a very very very modified version of a quake engine... which has been improved and improved and rewritten several several times... its not a glitch... its just how the engine was developed to keep system specs at a minimum... think of it this way... how long does it take to compile your map? how many hours... or in some cases... days.... that is to light the map 1 freaking time... for lighting to be dynamic in the game... eww.... ur talkin about like a 1fph render speed... you'd be lucky to finish 1 level by the time u hit 90.... so there's why...

no glitch... just not feasable at the time....

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 07:08:32 UTC Post #10724
but what about the light origin field? anyone know what thats for?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 08:01:31 UTC Post #10727
You should ask about it in the forum, I mean, create a thread about it so everyone can learn from the answers the masters give.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 22:32:00 UTC Post #10841
If you are using ZHLT, you can also use the minimum light level property of your func_door_rotating. It's sensitive, set it at about .15 at first.
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