Xyos projects! Created 18 years ago2006-08-04 17:03:15 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Created 18 years ago2006-08-04 17:03:15 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 19:10:18 UTC Post #196804
I don't like the chrome textures in that corridor.(the texture on the arches and both side doors) It doesn't look real, it looks weird
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 20:03:08 UTC Post #196808
Would of appreciated some idea feedback Elon, but its ok. I like the textures, as they resemble marble used for decoration.

@Kasperg: I really like the engery conduit idea. Espically the texture scroll idea. Im thinking a redish energy flow going across the ceiling? (Thanks for the excellent feedback BTW :) )
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 20:27:53 UTC Post #196809
Just for fun sake, here is the same hall, But I changed the texture on the wall from white to black. Im not going to use it, but it looks cool :)

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Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 22:35:44 UTC Post #196810
Yes, triple post, but I think Ive got something here. CHeck it out:

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Took a bit to align and make the brushwork, but well worth it. I might actually stick to the black color scheme. As always I want your feedback. Its very helpful, believe it or not :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 22:45:37 UTC Post #196811
looks good. although i think something just feels unnatural about the white amongst the black
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 22:57:06 UTC Post #196812
Do you mean the white door archs with red "eyes" on top? THose are props. I am still deciding if I want the texture to be white or black. If I choose black Ill reskin the door. (Even though the doors are using a temp. skin anyway)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 23:27:40 UTC Post #196814
In my opinion, all the textures are overly shiny and look as though they've been used on the wrong surfaces. The wall tiles for instance look as though they belong on the floor only, and all of the textures are pretty much devoid of any colour details, which even black and white should tiles have a little of.
Colour adds realism, and can still be used quite extensively even if you want to go for a sterile feel. It all just looks like a demo map to show of specular effects, which i don't think should be so noticable with the basic cubemap reflections in HL2.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-18 12:27:24 UTC Post #196842
ya I agree with Strider. It looks good, but looks like plastic, especially the white threshold areas. Change it to a concrete texture with no shine.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 18:20:44 UTC Post #198222
NEW: steamball model complete!~! Its only a small model, not very complicated, prop_physics model. Its modeled after the steamball from the movie "Steamboy" (very good anime movie, YES anime, OMG!)

Ive dumped the recent idea of the map Ive been posting here before. Now me and Exos are working on a HL2:DM map based off the movie steamboy.

We have made many models for the map so far, but this is the first one actually skinned and in-game. Its not meant to be the AMAZING model, just look good, and act good for performance as a prop_physics for multiplayer. This model will be the key weapon for the map. (Explain in later posts)

Im still screwing with the skin resolution and specular mask. So give me some feedback on the reflection, model, and skin.

In-game shots:
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Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 18:33:19 UTC Post #198224
The model looks great, but...what the hell is it? :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 18:39:29 UTC Post #198225
Well, its supposedly able to condense mass amounts of steam pressure in it which is used to power a massive mobile fortress by the power of extremely condensed high pressure stream. (Sounds crazy, but the movie made it work :heart: )

Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 18:48:13 UTC Post #198226
supposedly able to condense mass amounts of steam pressure in it which is used to power a massive mobile fortress by the power of extremely condensed high pressure stream
Yup, sounds like anime.

Good job though. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 19:23:24 UTC Post #198228
I think the room in which the model is placed looks like a test room. What type of architecture will the real map have?
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 19:37:45 UTC Post #198230
yes it is a test, as is the floor texture :) (texture not related to map, just fun)

The movie is set in London, 1866, so its like weird old fashion technology/architecture with an anime twist. The map is set in the "Steam Castle", a giant mobile fortress powered by Steam. Levers, pressure meters, pipes, etc. A real industrial 1866 look with weird anime based technology.

The main room (somewhat similar to HL2 ep1 core in the citadel) will contain the Steamball as with the main couplings that run its power throughout the fortress. Removing it will cause a massive pressure flux. I plan to have animated props explode with steam on gravity gun grab, steam bursting out, and maybe kill everyone except the ball holder. (We are still thinking of what it will do) There will be air lifts to get pushed up fast to higher levels, as well as hmm, still have some thinking and planning to do.
Unfortunately with my school work (me and my brother) its hard to dedicate vast amounts of time to it. Most of my free time is on the weekends. Ill be posting more later on. Maybe one post showing off the small detail props like lever controls, pipes, valves, etc.
I just need to get Exos's ass in gear with UV mapping :)

Right now im still working on an old fashion/weird anime style train. I think we will do all props first, then start the mapping :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 19:45:21 UTC Post #198231
I have been tempted many times to map something similar to the flying island in "Castle in the Sky" or "How'ls Moving Castle". Modelling is a required skill to pull off these anime themes, as they have a lot of mechanical parts that look organic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-01 19:48:24 UTC Post #198232
Ya, I thought I was off Anime like 2 years ago, but hearing the maker of Akira created Steamboy, I decided to watch it. (Plus there was nothing on TV, and I ended up watching it XD) It is an excellent movie. Music score is amazing plus Patrick Stewart does the voice of one of the main characters :) Animations and story/characters are unique and very interesting. I highly recommend this movie to anyone from regular joe, to anime enthuisaist :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-01 21:44:59 UTC Post #201652
I was screwing around in photoshop, and came up with some textures. Im not going to use them though. Dont really match with my Steamcastle theme. Im not sure if Ill ever use them. It was just a testing some things in photoshop. If anyone wants them just ask, cuz they are probably going to rot away in my texture folder along with countless others. Maybe Ill release them all when I get around to it :)

BTW, its the wall, not the floor, or ceiling.


Posted 17 years ago2006-11-01 23:49:27 UTC Post #201662
They're ok, but I think they're slightly over-normal mapped. It makes them look almost plastic-like, especially the second one.

The base textures are fine. Kickin' down the normal map scale a little oughta make em look great :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 03:27:00 UTC Post #201676
Those textures are way too simple, you can tell the bumpmaps are providing all the details and it looks.. well bad. Tone down the bumpmaps alot and add some proper details to the base texture.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 09:51:37 UTC Post #201688
Are you using parallax shading for those materials?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 11:02:44 UTC Post #201693
No, I am not using parallax, but thanks for thinking it was parallax :)

Well, I just made these to test some filter options in photoshop. Mainly how each filter shows up on a normal map. I dont really like these textures anyway, so Ill just scrap them. I was trying to go for the simple, but useful materials to use. Maybe Ill see what it looks like with a less normal map, but I dont know....
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 11:11:37 UTC Post #201695
I removed the normal map to compare.



I think there is sufficient detail in there, dont ya think?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 11:25:10 UTC Post #201699
Ugh, those look horrendous. Textures made up solely of Photoshop filters usually look awful, as do these. Using a real photo as a base, or at least drawing it, would be so much nicer.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 11:28:51 UTC Post #201700

Its not just filters, its multiple layers with different details, and opacity, effects, etc.

I wouldnt say they look awful, just average. Im trying to go for a average looking texture. Guess Ill consider this experiment a failure.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-02 17:20:19 UTC Post #201713
sooo, multiple layers, with multiple filters? :D
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-03 01:26:48 UTC Post #201787
Those white bricks look preety er.. completely fake(Or possible that was one BADLY made wall considering half the bricks are sticking out and inch). Sorry, rofl, I'm not good at saying things delicatly.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-03 09:45:45 UTC Post #201807
The normal maps look too strong because the textures by themselves already look too defined. Lighten them up, leave the definition for normal mapping.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-03 23:16:29 UTC Post #201866
I FINALLY SKINNED MY OLD HEAD MODEL! It was just sitting around, and I didnt feel like working on any models for Steamcastle, so I skinned it :)
Its all seamless, clear as a bell, and aligned perfectly.
Its an old model on my part, but I still like how it came out in the end.


Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 00:31:07 UTC Post #201872
Looks like you've taken the skins from HL2 and compiled bits together (that's my 'easier' way of making skins). Quite good, though you can tell the skin is mirrored and it seems to lose detail away from the main facial features.. almost to the point of being a single colour in those areas.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 00:41:33 UTC Post #201873
Mirroring the skin leaves the UV area more room, hence higher resolution for the skin. If i needed a scar on one side I would have to do it on both sides, but this is good.

Since I wont be working on this model, Im just going to make it like a decapitated head or something. Maybe a prop_physics you can throw around :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 12:54:08 UTC Post #201892
Well the face looks pretty good.
It lacks a more natural expression, although I guess, that you're gonna fic that in time.
Good work. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 17:29:01 UTC Post #201914
Looks like the skin doesnt belong on his body. Kinda like the alien from MIB that wore the guy's skin.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 17:56:13 UTC Post #201915
How so? Can you give me a reason why it looks like that? Is there distortions In the face? I only ask because if so it would help me later when I actually decide to do a serious character model (FOr my Later work in my mod! My mod you say? Yes, it is coming!)

To me it looks aligned and fit perfectly. No distortion, no seams, no misaligned parts of the face on the wrong part of the mesh. (not so sound facetious or anything about my own work, :) )

This is just a fun little thing I did. I didnt want to finish the body mentioned earlier in this thread because I made alot of mistakes with the mesh, and edge looping that would be a bitch to fix.

Im going to model the inside of the mouth, teeth, and the guts under the neck to look like his head was ripped off. Then you can toss him around. OOh!!! I can make custom gibs too! I could make his head explode with brains and guts chunks all over! Oh man this is going to be fun!!!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 18:34:46 UTC Post #201916
Its probably because the face is mirrored.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-04 18:51:05 UTC Post #201918
Ah, good point. Ill make each side have a seperate part on the Uv and see how it turns out :)
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