Non-Controlable Automatic Mortar Created 18 years ago2006-08-15 11:47:47 UTC by sskillz sskillz

Created 18 years ago2006-08-15 11:47:47 UTC by sskillz sskillz

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-15 11:47:47 UTC Post #193513
Hello (Again :|),
This time my problam is , how to make a mortar that will move to its destnation and auto shoot a info_target or seomthing , all this after single press of a nearby button or triggered by a trigger_multiple.
Can it be done?
10x ahead!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-15 12:26:18 UTC Post #193517
I believe this is the tutorial for it:

The only thing that differs is that if the grunt is dead it won't work, but you can remove that.
There are auto-tank mortars in Half-life,, like that laser thing
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 10:24:29 UTC Post #193612
10x for the reply but
firsy mine is for CS, no monsters, and that guns use the computer "mind"
to shoot at me (no?) , and I want it to shoot a target (Info_target or something like that)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 13:04:58 UTC Post #193629
Who ever said the gun has to be real? ;) You just want something to shoot at a certain spot, right? Well, just place an env_explosion at that spot and place a muzzleflash at the end of the fake guns barrle. Use an ambient_generic for the firing sound. Use a multimanager to target the ambient_generic and muzzleflash and after a short time make it target the env_explosion.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 13:33:08 UTC Post #193638
right, good idea! all can be done with func train :)
Say do you know how can I make that people will heal silently
and not with tirgger hurt that makes a hurting sound! (I think the answer
is like those medkits that when you press E (CS) you hear not a hurting sound but the medkit "working" sound, how did they do that? its not trigger

maybe its not a medkit , I forgot how its called :| its that white box on the wall with a first aid sign :|

10x ahead
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 14:29:44 UTC Post #193646
Health and suit chargers make sound by themselved. It is programmed that way.

And whats with the 10x? 10 times what? :/
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 16:31:35 UTC Post #193667
10 = ten
x = axe
Ten axe , togther its thanks :| (Gaming and SMS language)
That didnt help me, you didnt even mention how I add a health charger, :
there is no func_healtcharger as I saw :/ , I just need to know how to make
everyone in the map heal slowly (Like in fy_suicidebomber) and not make hurting sound like something crushing them !!
Thanks ahead (10x ahead)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 07:48:31 UTC Post #193715
You can set a trigger_hurt to negative damage, and set damage type to generic, in that way it won't make a sound, keep in mind that it will heal players the amount set per second, so setting it to -999 causes them to get 999 health more per second.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-21 07:47:20 UTC Post #194022
well thanks for allt he replys.
for the last one, I allways used generic when I tried healing,
and also its the default sound for trigger hurt, so it isnt working for me?
any answers?
10x ahead :P
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