Scientists and func_trains Created 17 years ago2006-10-24 11:07:59 UTC by Kinrah Kinrah

Created 17 years ago2006-10-24 11:07:59 UTC by Kinrah Kinrah

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 11:07:59 UTC Post #200667
Can they work together? Because from what I've seen just now, they don't, because I have two instances where they're put together and they don't work.

First instance: Upon going through a trigger, Scientist A runs through some doors and waves to a scientist below. When the next aiscripted_sequence is activated, useelevator, the scientist just stands there (I have got walk to sequence activated) and when I use him, he warps into me and performs his sequence then.

Second instance: Scientist B arrives at a platform on a func train. Upon the final path corner being reached, he has a sequence to go bang on a door. As with Scientist A, Scientist B just stands there, and warps into me when I use him and then it triggers the animation. I have some info_nodes set up, so what is the problem?

EDIT: Ok, I think I've sussed out what's going on with Scientist B. First of all, I raised his spawnpoint and that managed to get him moving, and then I added a second aiscripted_sequence called 'walktodoor' and he moved there, then when the bang on door sequence is called for he gets stuck and stares in the direction he's meant to go. I think the edge of the func_train is confusing him because it's in between him and the script. I'll add another sequence to get him out of there.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 12:25:57 UTC Post #200940
Yeah, I fixed it. And also they apparently take 'Mind the Gap' seriously, there was a gap of a few units and they refused to walk over it, so I had to extend it a bit.
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