func_door Horizontally Created 18 years ago2006-12-09 02:28:48 UTC by alpha alpha

Created 18 years ago2006-12-09 02:28:48 UTC by alpha alpha

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-09 02:28:48 UTC Post #205535
Hello, I am making a desk and have a drawer coming out of it. I have a brush that is currently tied to the entity func_door. I need this brush to come out away from desk- you know, outward, like a normal drawer does. I've fooled around and all I can get it to do is go upward but not outward. How can I get it to move horizontally? Thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-09 03:13:25 UTC Post #205538
Yea you can, when you go into the func_doors properties, down at moving direction. That circle dial, you can click on. You need to click and aim that in what direction you need the drawer to move based off of the top view. (if its aimed at 90 degrees (up on the dial), it will move up on the top 2d grid)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-09 10:40:16 UTC Post #205556
Thanks, I did what you said and it worked perfectly. ;)
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