Modelling help Created 18 years ago2006-12-21 22:08:30 UTC by Azoth72 Azoth72

Created 18 years ago2006-12-21 22:08:30 UTC by Azoth72 Azoth72

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 22:08:30 UTC Post #207136
I want to start working with modelling; however, I have one main problem. I almost have no idea where to get started. I do know one thing, I need a modeller. I looked around and found XSI and 3DS, but they cost over $500. Is there any modeller/animator that's cheap or, better yet, free?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 23:05:24 UTC Post #207140
Yes there is a free modeling program, in order to be able to save and export, you must register. This modeling program is called the XSI mod tool. If you want to model for the source engine, download the valve source addon. The program can be found here for download and for download of the valve source addon-here

There ya go :D. Always happy to help anyone :).
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 23:10:43 UTC Post #207141
The tutorials here will do a nice job of getting you started on the models themselves, too, as well as exportation and compilation. PM me if you need help with anything.

Also always happy to help someone :D .
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 23:45:17 UTC Post #207149
Alright thanks. I downloaded the XSI Mod Tool (4.2) and installed it. After that, without downloading the add-on, I tried running it. I get the start-up screen, and it freezes. I checked the task manager and after about 3 seconds of running the program, the computer usage has a massive decline and the XSI introduction screen freezes. I have absolutely no idea what the problem is, and the Online Guides for XSI have been no help. Anyone have any ideas about what's going on?
(By the start-up screen, I mean the small window that appears on the screen after executing the shortcut.)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 23:56:30 UTC Post #207155
Perhaps your computer cannot take it :confused:? Sorry, I don't know what the problem is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 00:05:31 UTC Post #207162
XSI takes an enormous amount of time to load up. I've reached times of up to three minutes. Did you cut it short of its loading or did you wait it out and it still remained frozen? I severely doubt that his computer is so crappy that he can't even load it, if it can run Half-Life 2 :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 00:31:29 UTC Post #207165
True :quizzical:. Is there XSI email support or something? Can Azoth72's computer load HL2 fine? My XSI mod tool loads up in.... :nuts: 30-35 seconds! Yea it is a big cpu load :P.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 00:59:37 UTC Post #207169
I can play Half-Life 2 fine (even with HDR, high dynamic range, and whatever else they put in), and my computer meets all of the system requirements. However, I haven't found any e-mail support. Also, I left XSI on to load but being so impatient, I only waited about 10 minutes or so. I'll try loading it on a friend's computer and see how it turns out. Thanks for all the help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 03:14:28 UTC Post #207181
I've done a lot of digging around in the XSI files. So, I wanted to know if someone who actually got XSI to work could tell me if they found a file in their installation directory called I'm trying to repair my files but the setup requires that I manually find the file. So if someone found it, could they please tell me the directory they found it in?
I did check Softimage's contacts to see if I could mail them, but they wanted a lot of information; I figured it was just a waste of time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 03:25:04 UTC Post #207182
User posted image
Don't double post. Use the edit button. You can edit your post if you were the last person to post in the thread.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 04:21:09 UTC Post #207187
bmp! YOU FAIL!
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 07:25:49 UTC Post #207192
XSI is a pain in the ass to work with, but it fits the job for HL2. In free modelers then your looking at blender, anim8or, wings3d, and G-max 1.2(even though it hardly has exporting abilitys).
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 09:59:40 UTC Post #207199
I don't have a in my XSI installation - only

Did you get as far as registering your mod tool installation? After installation, you MUST register it with Softimage for it to start up. Back when I installed it (long time ago), immediately after the first startup, you have to do a File-Save and a registration screen pops up. Fill out the registration (you'll get spam from your email address so be prepared), submit the form and you'll get an email with a registration code which you then need to use after you restart XSI to get anything(!) to work.

FYI - my installation of the the mod tool always requires an active internet connection and it will hang on the splash screen if your connection is borked or the Softimage server is slow.

For me, with 1 G RAM, 4G CPU and 512k cable, XSI takes about a minute to start up.

Softimage has a forum site for the mod tool (don't know whether it's still up) and you can get some help there.

IMO, using other than XSI to model is a pain in the rear. With XSI, you export your file and after one drag and drop on a desktop shortcut, the model's ready for use.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 11:29:22 UTC Post #207205
I finally found the problem. I didn't realize that XSI needed an active internet connection, and I think it has a problem with wireless internet. Either way, I installed it on another computer and it opens within 10 seconds. Thanks again for all the help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 11:34:46 UTC Post #207207
Happy modeling!
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