Globals Created 17 years ago2007-02-18 06:29:15 UTC by shoot2thrill shoot2thrill

Created 17 years ago2007-02-18 06:29:15 UTC by shoot2thrill shoot2thrill

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-18 06:29:15 UTC Post #212830
Here's my situation.

I have a tfc map that im coverting over to dod. Im using 3 globals representing 3 different spawns. When the first point is captured a trigger will set off a multi_manager which will manage the 1st global setting it off an turning on the next and so on.

Here's my problem.

It seems the map itself isn't accepting the globals. You spawn everywhere and its choatic, i need order. Ive tried the master with globals, ive tried spawn_cp_neutral, cp_incontrol, cp_notincontrol with spawn points and together still no luck. Next i will try trickery, using invisible flags and such maybe i will succeed there. Any ideas? and has anyone ran into this problem?, if so do you have any tricks?

Thanks for you time,

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-19 12:29:04 UTC Post #213043
i don't think any of them do what he wants so it would be of little use. Most DoD maps have fixed spawn points.
It would need to be a custom built one that does it but I can't think of any right now.
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