Path_corner wont wait!! Created 20 years ago2004-01-28 12:50:06 UTC by Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix

Created 20 years ago2004-01-28 12:50:06 UTC by Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 12:50:06 UTC Post #14203
Ive got some patrolling grunts using path_corners and they all work fine, but instead of them walking from one point straight to the next i want them to walk to a point, wait for a second or 2 and then walk to the next point. There is a key called 'wait here (secs)' but no matter what number i put in, including minus digits, they dont wait they just keep walking.

Any ideas?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 15:49:53 UTC Post #14215
that shouldn't happen, but don't use path corners, use scripted_sequences, or aiscripted_sequences, whatever works better for you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 16:05:21 UTC Post #14220
^ those can confuse things, and sometimes if set up incorrectly can cause wierd effects, like indestructable grunts just walking up and down :
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 16:08:33 UTC Post #14222
I would use them but theyre too complicated for what im doing.

All i want is to have patroling enemies. There was nothing more that annoyed me in Half life than stationary enemies! You would walk round a corner and there would be 2 zombies just standing there facing you as if they were waiting for you. I never understood why they didnt have them moving around, this would of looked so much more realistic and it would of been more fun in some places. Instead of walking round a corner and seeing them just standing there like muppets imagine walking round and seeing a zombie walking away from you, he hasnt seen you yet so you can sneek behind him, but you got to be careful not to alert him. Thats my vision anyway. You'll find no static enemies in my game!

Anyway i guess i could leave it like it is. Its still better than stupid enemies that just look as if they were placed there and they dont know what their doing. :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 16:19:43 UTC Post #14233
the enemies sometimes stop because they hear 'combat' or the player
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 17:32:25 UTC Post #14250
what i did to test this was i set up a glass box around my self inside a room where the grunts walked, kinda like my observation gallery i guess. Obviously as soon as the grunts saw me they shot me.

I couldnt get them to stay still unless they were dead. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 17:40:01 UTC Post #14256
that's an AI issue, they always stop when they see or hear you ;)
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