Okay... I know there are tons of tutorials and posts on this, but I have a problem I'm not sure how to fix:
-- I have an elevator elev (func_train) that goes between 2 floors with (path_corners) pc_elev_top and pc_elev_btm.
-- I have a button on the inside btn_in_top when pressed, moves the elevator to the bottom floor, and vice-versa for the bottom: btn_in_btm
-- Doors are currently opened by the player when touched and do not move with the elevator... but that can easily be changed.
-- I have 2 buttons on the outside (top and bottom) when pressed calls the elevator to that floor: btn_out_top and btn_out_btm
-- If the elevator is AT that floor, the elevator does not move.
-- The outside buttons are managed with trigger_changetargets and multi_managers.
Okay... all of the above works perfectly, but there's an issue of timming and the elevator stopping.
IF a player presses the outside button when the elevator is moving, the elevator will stop, and the players inside can't do anything, because the buttons are nowhere near to activate.
Also... the elevator stops moving, but still has the moving sound.
Does anyone know how to resolve these issues?
IF the outside button is pressed, the elevator will KEEP on moving until it reaches it's destination...
I am doing this for Counter Strike 1.6
-- Thanks