Lighting Issues Created 16 years ago2007-10-19 00:52:54 UTC by sPiDeRz sPiDeRz

Created 16 years ago2007-10-19 00:52:54 UTC by sPiDeRz sPiDeRz

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 00:52:54 UTC Post #236635
Rightio i read the lighting tutorial in HL Intermediate

Well i wanted to try the texture lights because i don't like the look of entity lights, they shine from outta nowhere! lol.

Anyways i went to entity click info_texlights and added it into the map then i selected it right click and went to properties and got this
User posted image
Is that spose to be like that? i dont think it is... i mean wheres the options?

i downloaded my fdg from this fella:
is it possible his fdg has got missing options?

If so where the best place to download a full expert CS fdg?

Thanks in advance.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 01:28:39 UTC Post #236636
I think you missed the part in the tutorial where it told you to turn off SmartEdit and add a custom attribute...

However, you do realize that this whole ordeal is unnecessary just to get texture lights working, right? I mean, all I've ever used is the lights.rad file. There are certain situations where this other method might be useful, but I really don't see the need for it if you're new to texture lighting.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 02:01:07 UTC Post #236637
Any tutorials for a noob on the ligh.rad file?
My other topic i made here said im extremely new to mapping. Go easy on me :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 02:03:01 UTC Post #236638
I personally think the tutorial you were reading here is very well written, and it certainly includes everything you need to know, so maybe you didn't read it carefully enough or something.

All you need is a lights.rad file, with the correct info in it, placed in Hammer's tools folder along with your compile tools. When you compile the map it'll just use that file to get the texture lighting info from. That's a simplified explanation, but you can get the specifics from the tutorial.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 03:01:03 UTC Post #236639
I guess different people have different ways of applying light.
But if i add lights via info_texlight is it possible to add other appearance's like a flicker or strobe? if so how.
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