trigger_once every round Created 16 years ago2007-11-09 08:57:16 UTC by Spike Spike

Created 16 years ago2007-11-09 08:57:16 UTC by Spike Spike

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-09 08:57:16 UTC Post #238006
(for CS 1.6)

Is there any FGD with a trigger that turns to first position every round?

I want to do some things that only works on first rounds, like a triggered env_explosion and more things.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-09 23:33:30 UTC Post #238038
Ok that's the situation:
User posted image
The left part of the picture is the same thing that tutorial of countermap says. It does the entities on multimanager restart each round. The right side of the pic is the func_breakable targeting the env_explosion. env_explosion has the name of "roundreset" because is the entity that I want to reset.
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