prefabs and entities Created 17 years ago2008-01-07 19:20:57 UTC by Chardi3 Chardi3

Created 17 years ago2008-01-07 19:20:57 UTC by Chardi3 Chardi3

Posted 17 years ago2008-01-07 19:20:57 UTC Post #242892
hey guys

just wondering, i have a load of preset prefabs, how do i make my own / put downloaded ones in?
i have read up on some tutorials but canot find out how to work spawnpoints... iv seen something about like, info_player_start in the lists, which i have, but no info_spawn_counterterrorist or anything as such.
one more thing..
how can i make my own textures and put them in? if i have pics of terrain and stuff, how would i compile a heap of them into a .wad?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-07 19:43:15 UTC Post #242894
oh also, i plan to have portals in it.. how do i come about that? wouldnt it be like, when you walk into a block face you trigger a current player x, y, z position move to another x, y, z? i dont know really...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-08 07:23:39 UTC Post #242939
Hi and welcome!

Prefabs: You can save anything you build by selecting it and clicking "create prefab" on the right side. It will save it then in the prefabs folder. Put any prefab you download into the same folder and you can use them from there.

CS Startpositions: info_player_terrorists and info_player_counterterrorists
You would also need a buyzone for both. Make a brush where the buyzone should be, put the "trigger" texture on all sides. Tie it to entity "func_buyzone" select the team which can buy there in the properties.

Tutorial on custom textures (didn't make my own textures yet so I don't know much about it):

Those portals with triggers: Make the bruh and tie it to entity "trigger_multiple". Apply changes. Add outputs (in the properties) that do what you want. Don't know in detail how a portal would be done with a trigger but I imagine it's possible with them.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-08 07:59:05 UTC Post #242942
again, wrong editor.

Source doesn't use .wad files. They're HL1 only.

Source uses .vtf image format for the images themselves, and .vmt to store the information about the texture (whether it's reflective & what material it is etc)
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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