Hi everyone.

I recently followed this guide how to add new weapons to your mod: http://www.iwannamap.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2202

Now I got some questions about this guide because even if I follow this guide exactly I always end up with like 200 erros.

1.In the guide he says that you should add your new weapon into hl > Source Files but doesn't it make more sense if you add your weapon into hl > Source Files > HL2 DLL where all the other weapons are located. So I basically wonder in which of these you should add your weapon into.

2.He mentions in the guide that you shouldn't replace model file locations and stuff like that but the problem is that I really can't see which lines I shouldn't replace, all I know is that I shouldn't replace the 12 instances on the "acttable". So I wonder if someone here can help me and show me which lines I should'nt replace.

Fell free to add something that you think is wrong with the guide or something that you think I have done wrong.

All help is appreciated!