Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 19:32:10 UTCPost #252268
Just make an object the same size as your func_illusionary, don't tie it to any entity and texture it with the CLIP texture. It'll be invisible ingame and will block the player/monsters.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 07:42:05 UTCPost #252281
I added those things but now the map wont work
Command line: D:\Program\VALVEH~1\hlcsg.exe D:\Sierra\Half-Life\gearbox\maps\elevator Entering D:\Sierra\Half-Life\gearbox\maps\ Error: Missing '[' in texturedef (U) Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem
WHERE is the ZHLTProblems.html? i cant find it anywhere on my PC!!