Hey all,

I have made a wiki on my website for all to see...now in the wiki I list all work with credit where needed...and well on sum pages...if I wasnt the original author of the map(s) mention in the additional info part of page what my significance of the map(s) is...but I have 3 maps you will see that I made myself...

URL: http://wiki.stixsworld.com

O and btw...I am currently working on alpha version 2 of my 3rd map...Stixsworld 3...in alpha version 2 I plan to have all major parts of map become func_breakable so as to add a button to allow users if they wish to end the map and cause it to just all break at once and then 2 seconds later just trigger the game_end...


P.S. I am thinking of releasing the source to my second map...as I could use sum extra help in setting up diff battlefields for the AI.