Competition 27 Created 15 years ago2009-05-04 09:57:59 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 15 years ago2009-05-04 09:57:59 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-11 17:36:53 UTC Post #266829
I hope so.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 04:29:15 UTC Post #266968
Just a few extremely intelectual awesome ideas...

Map a smooth surface.

Map hair.

Create a memorable memory.

Create a dark void.

Map a unique light bulb.

Map a squishy surface.

Map a smooth hard surface.

Map your grandma's wheel chair!

Out of all this lameness I came up with a good idea that I first thought was a terrible one. Map a pet! You could make an aquarium/ cage and place/ model hamsters, fish, birds, any critter into it. Put it in a cool room, add stuff/effects... I'd model a chameleon that eats flies. I think ill do this just for fun anyways.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 06:48:53 UTC Post #267000
So... (ignoring zeebas post)... is there a decision on the compo yet?
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 07:25:33 UTC Post #267005
I believe a decision has been made, we should have it up shortly (TWHL time, which is worse than Valve time).
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 07:42:10 UTC Post #267006
zeeba-G I don't think that's a good idea, most people don't know how to model.

Map a Map Mapping Competition for Map-making Mappers
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 10:01:50 UTC Post #267010
Thanks for the update Strider.
Had i known you guys already had something in the works i would've not created this thread, but maybe for the next competition, we can have the poll under the shout-box decide the theme?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 15:09:28 UTC Post #267033
Map your room is a cool idea..
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-16 00:18:57 UTC Post #267057
Map a smooth surface.
Can it be flat? :D
Create a dark void.
How about a black block as floor and open so it's actually dark and void?
Map a smooth hard surface.
See item #1
Map your room is a cool idea..
Depends on what your room looks like or how roomy it is. Mine would be comfortable without all the furniture and stuff. I have too much junk which I don't intend to brush-map any time soon.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 08:59:02 UTC Post #267873
When will it start? I know valve's time is like 1/8 of realtime but twhl like 1/16 omsjog
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 09:12:38 UTC Post #267874
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 10:00:26 UTC Post #267875
Just not now, or now ? Wait a week, I'm finishing school. Wohooo holidays are here ! ( the firs compo over the holidays ? :P )
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 10:04:02 UTC Post #267876
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wait just 2 more weeks...then ill have my laptop...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 16:50:47 UTC Post #267891
Just let them go at their own pace. I'm sure when they say soon they mean soon. :\
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 18:13:51 UTC Post #267897
Yeah. I can wait.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 18:18:18 UTC Post #267898
Ill be getting it together this weekend after my graduation. For hotdog, he'll get one of those "extenuating circumstances" cases where we'll give him a bit longer.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 20:13:48 UTC Post #267902
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-03 21:47:04 UTC Post #267906
YAYAYAYAY!!! Thankyou sooo much!!

+1 Brownie point to TheGrimReafer
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 10:34:02 UTC Post #268020
hotdog you could still do all the planning portion or create textures on any computer, couldn't you? I carry around hammer with all my modding content on a flash drive (works beautifuly portable) so i can map anywhere. the only thing that suck is half-life won't run portable, so i have to use crafty to playtest. (if sum one knows a way to make won half-life run portable pleez let me know!)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 13:19:49 UTC Post #268023
I do. It's called the game disc. :P
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 13:38:40 UTC Post #268024
It's weekend ...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 14:03:34 UTC Post #268028
Don't even bother rushing the mods. They take their time no matter what they do.
They have the same work ethic as Blizzard: It's done when it's done.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 14:08:19 UTC Post #268029
Heh.. yeah. It is weekend, but it will probably go up late-late later in Aussie time because there's some site stuffs that im not entirely sure how to accomplish.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 14:09:25 UTC Post #268030
(if sum one knows a way to make won half-life run portable pleez let me know!)
I'd say google it first, then if all else fails, I know there is a USB version of CS 1.6, if you find that, crack it open, and just arrange it half-life style instead, you may be set to go...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 15:05:37 UTC Post #268032
wow that's a great idea saw, as long as i had the right wads/models/sounds etc i could just use steamless cs.. THANKS! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 15:44:53 UTC Post #268033
Why not make a reg file with all the registry keys that HL needs.
Just make the keys point to your HL install folder on your flash drive and
it should work.
Just don't forget to delete those registry values again from the PC when you're done.

I could make a little programm that does this automatically.

I think we should definitely give this a try, as many other people can make use of it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 15:52:37 UTC Post #268034
Pleez do! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 18:07:32 UTC Post #268035
I got (WON) Half-Life to run portable once, if I recall correctly all I needed was a cracked hl.exe. (Needed since you, youknow, won't have the cd with you :P)
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 18:09:48 UTC Post #268036
ya cds are like, so 1990s...
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 18:21:13 UTC Post #268037
Word, cyber space is a lot more fly!
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
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