Hey guys. Another source question. I searched the threads, and couldnt find anything..
I'm workin on my compo map and i just ran a compile, and like.. 80% of my prop_statics i put in the map are not rendering in-game. Idk why. So First i thought there was a leak, so i loaded the pointfile and the line just moved in circles.. so i just cut off where the circle went, compiled and nothing happened. Lighting was the same, and the models still werent showing up.
At least there was no pointfile to load next time around. SO that's bothering me, plus my water won't show up in my map either. It's inside a cave made up of displacements, if that helps at all.. and it's REALLY sloppy. But it's completeley sealed it, i got cubemaps, lod_control, the whole 9 yards, but after compiling and running cubemaps the water doesnt show And the lighting looks like shit. :/ Any suggestions?