Sound not playing and another interminab Created 15 years ago2009-12-09 03:39:41 UTC by The Alien The Alien

Created 15 years ago2009-12-09 03:39:41 UTC by The Alien The Alien

Posted 15 years ago2009-12-09 03:39:41 UTC Post #276475
Ive set up with explosion set where you press a button and about a minute later theres a slow fade of white and a sound then BOOM, but to warn the players that the button was pushed I placed a siren sound but this sound does not play when the button is pushed. I have the output on the button set up correctly for it to play but it just wont play. Then the sound before the big boom it plays interminably(it's perpetual, goes on for ever). I have a logic_timer to be activated after every things been done and stop it but it doesn't work. And again I set the output correctly but it still shits itself. It's for Half-Life 2 Deatmatch bu the way.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-10 23:08:06 UTC Post #276538
What is the exact entity setup you are using? You mention using a logic_timer which could be part of the problem as it's designed to fire outputs repeatedly at specific (or random) intervals.

Make sure your ambient_generic has 'start silent' and 'is NOT looped' ticked in the flags tab, and remove any properties from the SourceEntityName field if you entered anything in there (its buggy)
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-12 00:34:27 UTC Post #276555
Alright, I have three sounds, one env_fade, one logic_timer, and one button triggering the whole mess. The button targets the three sounds and activates each sound but each sound starts at a specific time. One sound was set to play on pressed with 0 seconds delay (it's the siren) and the other sound (the sound before the 'bigboom' which adds a dramatic effect) was set to play just a few seconds before the bigboom. Once the bigboom is done I made it so the logic_timer turned off the siren and the dramatic effect. It didn't work. Thats basically the set up, oh and theres a trigger_hurt targeted when the bigboom goes off.
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