need help with a few things. Sounds, to Created 14 years ago2009-12-30 21:41:20 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Created 14 years ago2009-12-30 21:41:20 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Posted 14 years ago2009-12-30 21:42:55 UTC Post #277086
Im finishing up my rats map and im running into a few problems. First of all I want to fill an area around 2300 wide x2300wide x1200 units tall with music. I've done so with two ambient generics set to large radius but when you are inbetween them you can here them both and they are at different points in the song for some reason. I can't use play everywhere because I only need it in a certain area of the map. I've also tryed with four but it was rediculous sounding. Any ideas?

Also after adding many of the weapons i've come to the point where weapons/ entities appear invisible. I think its because there are too many and i've been combining entities but is there anything else I can do? Other things also arent showing like tripmine beams and projectiles.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 04:21:55 UTC Post #277091
the map can only contain sooo many models... to fix the entity problem, delete some other entities that wont throw off the overall appeal (visual, gameplay, ect.) if you can.. maybe a few lights here and there, and reduce how many spawn zones you have

(other than that.. less weapons / mour info_player_equipt)

also on that music.. i have an idea.. that your trigging both of the sounds wavs with a multi_manager (which you dont even have to do, just name both the sound wavs the same name, and have the original trigger just trigger them both)

anyways, with the multimanager.. set the action at the top of it (the very first sound wav) with a " 0.1 " delay, and the second delay still "0"... because the multimanager triggers them from top to bottom in sequential order... that MIGHT sync it up some for you? .. not too certain how fast it triggers them though.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 04:29:32 UTC Post #277092
They both start on. They just start over randomly I guess if I leave the area of the sound and come back in it. So they end up off sync. And if I erase lights they are considered as entities? Im not sure about that.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 11:46:34 UTC Post #277098
oh yeah.. lol.. that happens when you get out of range of it, it automatically turns off

want to know a good way to counteract that?

set flag to 'play anywhere' then just set the radius to medium or small.. when they walk far enough away they wont be able to hear it anymour, but it wont reset

Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:21:58 UTC Post #277111
Checking the play everywhere flag makes the ambient generic stay on but it plays through the entire map no matter what other flags are checked.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 17:48:03 UTC Post #277127
hmm.. must be a small map (or very open)

In a recent map I made, just only having the play everywhere, small radius, with sound of 7 or so.. worked great.. the sound would cease when I left that specific area/room, and would stay on course from when you left it to returned..

sry i couldn't help i guess..

maybe set it toggelable on a trigger system? f... , just play around with it i guess.. if i can think of something later, i'll be sure to post about it
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